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This was her home, her sanctuary, her peace where she could be herself and block out the world around her. Now it’s all going up in flames, and though it kills me, it’s the least of my troubles. There are people in there terrified for their lives. My number one priority is human life, number two is saving their homes and possessions.

We’re about two minutes away when my phone starts going apeshit in my pocket. I cringe as I fish it out. I usually don’t have my phone on me while I’m working as it’s a distraction, but Henley is 36 weeks pregnant, so I’ve been making an exception.

Henley’s name flashes on the screen and my eyes widen as I hastily accept the call. The boys quieten down in the back, knowing I’ll only answer my phone if it’s necessary.

I practically slam it against my ear. “Babe, is everything okay?”

“It’s me,” my sister’s panicked voice comes through the line. “Henley’s water just broke and she also just told me that she’s been having contractions for the last few hours, the stubborn cow. We’re about to get on our way to the hospital. Where are you? Now that her water has broken, she’s panicking.”

“FUCK! I’m on my way to an apartment fire. It’s going to be a few hours before I can get to the hospital.”

“What? You have plenty of people. They’ll be fine on their own. You need to get here.”

“Henley’s going to be okay. It’ll be hours before she’s ready to push.”

“Noah,” Tully demands. “This is your wife. Can’t you leave work early just this once?”

I cringe, knowing where she’s coming from, but this is peoples’ lives we’re talking about. This is my team, my boys. How could I leave them a man short in such a dangerous situation? “I can’t, Tullz,” I tell her for the millionth time as I consider telling her where exactly this fire is, though decide not to as I want her focused on my wife, not her old apartment block. “If I had any other job, you know I’d already be out the door.”

Tully groans before giving in. “I know…just, hurry, okay? I have a feeling she’s not going to make this easy on me and I’m going to be her punching bag until you can come and free me.”

I grin as the excitement hits. “Fuck, yeah, you are. Can you put her on?”

“Yeah, hold on,” she says. “She wanted a cool shower first.”

“The fuck? What for?”

“I don’t fucking know, but I wasn’t about to question her. Do you have any idea how grouchy she’s been the last few weeks?”

I grin a little more. Tully’s right, Henley has been a bit snappy. This pregnancy hasn’t exactly been easy for her, especially after watching how easily Tully went through her pregnancy, it’s been a little bit of a sore spot.

Henley’s practically had elbows, knees, and feet jammed up under her ribs for the last ten weeks. She vomited nearly every single day, she hasn’t slept properly in over five months, and not to mention the dreaded heartburn that brings tears to her eyes. She is going to be one happy Mommy when her guts are childfree.

I listen as Tully takes her time walking through my home, and I resist groaning and telling her to hurry the fuck up. There’s only another minute or so before we pull up at the fire and when we do, I need to be ready, and in order for that to happen, I need to know that Henley is doing alright.

Tully knocks on a door and I hear the sound of the shower in the background before Henley and Tully’s muffled voices.

Not a second later, my wife’s already exhausted voice comes down the line. “Noah?” she questions.

“Spitfire,” I say, unable to hide the adoration in my tone. “How are you doing? Tully said your water broke.”

“Yeah,” she murmurs. “Are you on your way back?”

I wince, hating that I have to tell her this. “No. Not yet, babe. There was an apartment fire. We’re just about there, but I’ll be as fast as I can. I promise you, Spitfire, I’ll be there. We’re going to get these people out and make this fire our bitch, and then I’ll be standing right there next to you. I won’t miss this for the world. You got that?”

Henley sighs and I hear the devastation in her tone, but she understands despite how much she wants me there now. “I just really need you to come and hold my hand,” she finally says.

“I know,” I tell her, feeling like a dick. “I’m sorry. I hate this just as much as you do, but I can’t leave these boys. If something happened to one of them…”

“I know,” Henley tells me. “You don’t need to explain it to me. I get it and I’d hope that one day, they’d be strong enough to do the same for you.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance