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Without waiting for my response, Anton cuts the line and I drop the phone down onto the couch, needing to hold him with both hands. “He’s got her. Anton found Ari,” I cry into Noah.

Noah lets out a long breath as he holds me a little tighter. “You’re sure? That was him?”

“Yes,” I say, wiping my face against his shirt. “He’s got her.”

Noah closes his eyes as the relief surges through him and when they open again, they’re filled with fire and a new lease on life. “Then what the hell are we waiting for, Spitfire? Let’s go get our girl.”

I scramble off him faster than I’ve ever moved in my life. I grab my phone off the couch as Noah races across the room for his keys. I only remember to grab my shoes as I stumble over them while trying to race out the door.

Hold on, Ari. I’m coming to get you.

My phone is glued to my ear before I’ve even reached Noah’s Camaro. It rings once then dad’s voice comes shooting down the line. “Squish. What is it?”

“Anton found her,” I say, still unable to believe the words coming out of my mouth as Noah peels out of the driveway and careens down the road, narrowly missing flipping his car on the curb.

“Where is she?” dad demands. “Is she ok? Is she hurt?”

“I don’t know,” I say, grabbing hold of the ‘holy shit’ bar. “He has her with him. That’s all I know. He said he has her and to come to get her then hung up. We’re on our way now.”

“Who’s we?”

“Me and Noah.”

“Shit, ok. I’m turning around now. I’m about an hour away. Get her away from Anton and back home where she’s safe. Call the home doctor and get her checked out and make sure she knows that she’s safe. Squish, she’s going to be scared. You make sure she knows her daddy is coming.”

“Ok, dad. We’ll see you soon.”

“Be careful with that man, Henley. You get in and get out, alright. Do not agree to anything.”

I nod my head despite knowing he can’t see me. “Ok.”

I end the call and it takes me all of two seconds to realize that Noah is already doing all the rounds for me. I listen as he calls Tully and tells her that Anton’s found Ari. She promises to call everyone else and let them know to stop looking.

Noah practically throws his phone down so he can concentrate on the road and before I know it, he’s flying over the tracks and coming to a stop at the front of Anton’s massive black gates.

The gates open a lot faster than when I had been here waiting and it’s clear that’s because Anton’s security knows Noah’s Camaro well.

The gates are only halfway open when Noah flies through them, ignoring the way the dogs bark and carry on with the sudden intrusion.

He brings his car to a stop at the end of the driveway and opens the door, not scared of the dogs at all. I cower in my seat and watch in awe as Noah stands before the dogs, holds up a hand and simply tells them to ‘heel’.

The dogs sit at his feet and he pats each one on the head before nodding to me, letting me know it’s safe.

The door opens at the top of the impressive stairs and in the blink of an eye, I start running.

Chapter 7

I barge my way through Anton’s front door, ignoring his butler/slave who stands gaping at me, disgusted with my appalling lack of respect and behavior. Lucky for him, he doesn’t try to stop me otherwise he would have ended up with a broken nose.

I fly into the huge foyer, this time not bothering to look around at the impressive marble and gold finishes. All I care about is the little blonde hair, blue-eyed beauty that’s hidden here somewhere.

I sense Noah entering behind me and without wasting a moment glancing back, I take off down the hallway towards the study as it’s the only place in this mansion that I know the way too.

I’m probably being stupid. I should wait for Anton’s butler to show me in and tell me where to go but I can’t seem to hold myself back. I need to get to her.

I hurry with Noah right beside me as I head for the study, having a good feeling that’s where Anton most likely is while something else tells me that Anton won’t be allowing Ari out of his sight, not when he’s so damn close to claiming me as his property.

My head whips around as I pass each doorway, double checking that she’s not in any of the rooms. Noah reaches the study door first as if knowing that it’s my target, he barges his way in with me right on his heels.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance