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“And where is the exit?”

The consort looked around, unsure. “It’s secret, my lord.”

I looked at my father. “Jax’s guard took her to the private quarters. I have no idea what his intention is, but whatever they want from Queen Celene, they obviously didn’t get it. They are either getting desperate or thinking Trinity knows something.”

My father stepped forward and placed a calming hand on the younger consort’s shoulder. “The princess has been kidnapped and taken to the private quarters. We suspect the traitor is going to try to sneak her out of the palace. They might kill her. We need your help.”

He swallowed hard.

“That tunnel exits inside the clerics’ healing temple two blocks north of here.” He nodded. “I can show you the way, but the tunnels inside the palace are too complicated for me to simply offer directions.”

“All right,” I replied, nodding. “Father, you and your guards split up. Send some to cover the exit he spoke of. Send some to go upstairs and make sure they can’t escape through the palace interior. I’ll go with the consort and search through the hidden passageways.”

“I’ll go with you.” That was Nix, and it wasn’t a request.

I didn’t want to waste another moment arguing. I could use his help, for while the consort knew where he was going, his skill was in fucking, not fighting. The very idea hardened my resolve. I wanted to beat the shit out of him all over again, but vowed to save it for the Jax guard who truly deserved it. And that was right before I shot him dead.

“Let’s go.” I turned to the consort. “Lead the way. And make it fast.”

My father and a handful of guards ran off, moving silently, like shadows. One guard peeled from the group, heading to the party, no doubt to round up others to cover the exit in the clerics’ healing temple. Nix and I stared at the consort.

“Ahh—um... Maybe we should start in the library? There is an intersection nearby that leads to the royal bedrooms.”

Nix and I both drew our weapons.

The consort jumped, then realized we weren’t going to shoot him and ran off in the direction of the library—a room I had yet to discover—with the two of us right behind him.



I had no idea where we were in the palace. If I ever got out of this, I would get someone to take me on a tour. This room hadn’t been used in a long time, perhaps since my mother had been around. I dropped my earring behind me, thankful my big skirt hid the action. I had nothing left to take off. My dress wasn’t coming undone without help. The only good thing was that we were moving the dust all around, our footprints and weird swirls from the hem of my dress now marred the floor. Someone would easily see someone had been here, and recently. Hopefully, in time.

The guard reached out, grabbed my wrist and tugged me toward a corner. There was no escape, no way out. “If you’re going to kill me, just do it.”

He laughed. “I told you, Princess, you’re wanted by my master.”

His hand pressed against the wall and a doorway was revealed. Crap. A hidden passage. Now no one would ever find me, especially since I had no idea where the passages led. Out, I assumed.

He tugged me down the narrow corridor parallel to the abandoned room’s wall, then we turned. It was dark within, but I could see my feet, Zel before me. When Leo had led me through from my bedchamber to his, it had been exciting. Romantic even—except for the consort and his balls—but now I felt getting farther and farther away from anyone who might be able to help.

When I heard the pounding of heavy footsteps—not ours—I quickly changed my mind. Zel stopped, listened. Yes, someone was in the passageway.

“We’re here!” I shouted, the sound echoing off the narrow walls.

“You bitch,” Zel hissed, spinning around and backhanding me. I fell into the wall and I put my hand to my cheek. The metallic tang of blood filled my mouth and stars floated in front of my eyes, but I was fine. I could do this. I could survive until whomever was in the corridor got help.

He shoved me back the way we came and I stumbled. A tight grab on my elbow kept me from falling, then I was shoved again. We came back out into the abandoned room. Without letting go of his hold, he stormed toward the exit—the way we’d originally come in—but the door flung open.

Two guards burst through, pistols raised. With a harsh yank, Zel pulled me into his side, his arm banding about my waist. The knife was back, this time at my neck.

It was Leo’s father who stood before us, along with a second guard in a matching uniform.

“Put the weapons down!” Zel shouted.

Travin and the other guard held their arms out away from their sides but didn’t drop their ion pistols.

The footfall we’d heard in the passageway was loud behind us. Zel spun partially so he could see who came in behind us.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance