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She looked years too old to be suffering from the Ardor. Most females on Alera were well past that stage around their twentieth year. My mate looked at least five years older than that. A woman. Mature. Sexy. Stunning.

Trinity shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I’m fine. I’ll be fine,” she insisted again in a tone of voice that implied she didn’t want to be argued with, although I could see because of her tight blue pants that she rubbed her thighs together. No, she ached, her pussy throbbing with the Ardor heat, but was being brave. My sweet mate. “Anyway, he’s dead.”

“We’re screwed,” Destiny added, frowning.

“In more ways than one,” Faith said, glaring at me. “I told you not to kill him. We needed him alive so we could interrogate him and know why we’re being targeted.”

I blinked. What? These three were interrogation experts?

“The assassin? Absolutely not. He was going to murder you,” I bit out. I had no intention of telling them that I knew the assassin who had escaped. Knew the price he demanded could be paid by very few. Until I knew who these three were, I wasn’t going to share. I needed something to exchange with them. Information they wanted for what I wanted. I glanced at Trinity. “All of you.”

Destiny actually snorted. “As if. I totally had that guy.”

“And the one in the hallway?” I pointed in that direction. “The one who escaped? Did you have him as well? Or would he have killed your sisters while you played soldier?” I’d saved Destiny’s life, eliminated the threat to her, as any honorable male would do, and she was chastising me as if I were a child? No.


She grinned up at me as Trinity watched the byplay with a completely unreadable expression. Was she overcome by her Ardor? Overwhelmed by what had just happened? Afraid?

I would reassure her, set her mind at ease. Make her worry for nothing, not even her orgasms. I couldn’t wait to make her melt. Burn. Scream my name.

I had no idea what Destiny’s response meant, this word, touché, nor did I care. She was cooperating. That was all I needed at the moment.

“Come with me,” I told them, finally getting all of us away from danger. My cock was a terrible leader. I had to get my head back in control, at least for the moment. I didn’t know what threats were outside this floor, this building. Even down the street. “Keep your heads down. Don’t look up. There are vid stations everywhere.” I led them farther down the hall. Thankfully, Trinity stepped into place directly behind me, close, where I needed her to be. Destiny brought up the rear, her weapon at the ready, and I was surprised to realize I was reassured with her in that position. She was a warrior and my mate trusted her. A strange female, but a capable fighter. I would take all the help I could get. Anything to get my mate far from here. Safe.

And naked. Very, very naked.


Trinity – somewhere in Mytikas City

“Do you have any idea where we are?” Faith asked, looking around.

“As if we know where we are on Alera when we’re not in danger?” Destiny countered in her usual snarky way. Destiny leaned back, inspecting the windows and frame, knocking on the material in some bizarre ritual I didn’t even want to guess at. “I like your ride, Leo. I saw the windows are tinted. Is this bulletproof glass?”

Leo had taken us in his own vehicle, after walking a random route for several blocks to ensure we weren’t followed. It wasn’t as fancy or large as the one Lord Jax had provided, but I hadn’t cared if it were a horse and buggy. As long as we were moving further and further away from danger, at least for the time being, I’d felt better. And having him sitting beside me in a closed area—even with my sisters as chaperones—had been intense.

Leo’s hands moved with confidence over the controls. “We do not have metal projectiles in our weapons. But the windows are military grade. Nothing can get through them, not even blaster fire.” He looked over at me, his gaze lingering, making me squirm in my seat.

Was he as hot for me as he seemed? Or was I reading something into his expression that wasn’t real. Was my Ardor warping my mind?

“This is a standard military issue EMV. Nearly indestructible. No one can see inside. You’re safe. I assure you.”

“How fast does this thing go?” Faith asked.

“This thing obeys all driving laws so that we do not attract unwanted attention.” He was so serious. His face set like stone. His jaw tight. Everything about him screamed powerful, alpha male. Warrior.

I’d wanted to crawl over and into his lap, straddle his thick thighs and feel the huge cock that was in his pants rubbing against me. To kiss him, taste him. I’d had to bite my lip to stifle a whimper as I breathed in his scent—a temptation that had filled the vehicle. Dark, rugged. I wondered what the sheets of his bed would smell like. Would that scent wrap around me and make it hard to breathe? Would I drown in him?

Did I want to?

Yes. Right now, god yes. I did. He had to have pheromones pumping off him in waves, for I was so close to coming that I ached. God, I was desperate to rub my clit, to get off, but I knew it wouldn’t help.

I needed him. His touch. His mouth. His hands. His energy. His alien cock and all that sweet alien cum. Maybe if I humped him, rubbed our bodies together with our pants the only things between us, that would be enough. Would my body be satisfied with that?

Hell no. That was the answer. I wanted naked. Grunting. Thrusting. I wanted him to shove me up against the wall and take me as hard and fast as he could. I wanted to ask him to do it. Beg him. Beg.

Then I realized I was going insane, envisioning dry humping a guy—an alien—that I’d just met as he drove across a huge city… with my sisters watching. I wasn’t sure what disturbed me more, that I wanted to go at it with a complete stranger, or that I didn’t care if my sisters watched.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance