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She did look at me, though, and my cock wept some more at having those beautiful eyes on me. “I’m Trinity.” She angled her head toward the dark-haired one with the funny, strappy shoes. “This is my sister, Faith. And that’s her ass-kicking twin over there, Destiny. We just need a safe place to stay tonight. Okay?”

“And some food,” Destiny added. “Kicking ass made me hungry.”

I glanced her way, said, “Are you sure you don’t need more weapons?”

The comment was meant to be sarcastic, but Destiny looked up from the unconscious guard she was separating from all of his battle implements. I noted that she was careful not to jostle his head or the pillow Faith had placed so carefully beneath him.

“Seriously?” she asked, looking up at me. “Hell, yeah. What do you have?”

“He’s kidding, Destiny,” Trinity told her. A beautiful name for my beautiful mate. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “If the guard is stable, let’s go.”

Destiny scrambled around to the guard’s other side, but my mate was not amused. And apparently, she was in charge, even though the purple-haired one was so bossy. Fascinating.

“Now, Destiny,” Trinity added, her tone going quite commanding. Fuck, that was hot. “Come on, Faith.

“Let’s go before more ninja assassins show up,” Trinity added as Faith stood and handed me my ReGen wand.

What was a ninja? Was that a special band of assassins on Earth? Had they faced such danger before? The thought made me shudder with relief that they were here, with me, under my protection. I didn’t think the assassin would show his face again tonight, but I would not lower my guard until we were somewhere safe, somewhere only I knew. And I would employ every tactic I’d ever learned to make sure the threat couldn’t follow us tonight.

“Fine,” Destiny countered. “I got enough stuff for all of us.” She stood and held out a blaster.

“I don’t want it,” Faith said, holding her blood-stained hands up in front of her.

“Tough.” Destiny shoved the blaster into Faith’s chest and held it until her sister slowly, reluctantly wrapped her fingers around it.

“I hate you sometimes,” Faith said.

“Only when you know I’m right.” Destiny slung the blanket full of gear over her shoulder, raised a questioning brow at Trinity—who held up the blaster she’d been using when I took out the entry door—and stepped up beside me. “Let’s go, Leonardo.”

“It’s Leoron.”

My mate sighed and tucked her weapon into the pocket of her strange pants. They, along with her shirt, fit snugly to her lean frame. They did nothing to hide her figure, the curves I would soon have my hands on. “Let’s go. I can’t take much more.”

We carefully climbed through the twisted metal of the destroyed entry door. I had no idea if there were other guests on this floor, but I had to assume they’d fled after the explosion.

In the hallway, Faith gasped, turning to my mate. “What about Cassander? Did you, you know?”

The consort. Fuck. While it was his job, I couldn’t think about that rich bastard touching Trinity’s skin. Kissing her. Licking her sweet pussy. Filling her—

“No.” She sighed. “But, he’s… dead.”

I nearly shuddered with relief. Not at his being dead, but at him not touching my mate. I clenched my fists at my sides. Perhaps it was good he was no longer alive, for I’d have killed him myself if he’d laid a finger on her. Consort or not. It was completely irrational. I hadn’t known of Trinity’s existence hours ago. Now, the thought of another male touching her made my blood boil. But, it also meant that Trinity was the one with Aleran Ardor. Who needed to have her pussy filled, to be soothed with orgasm after orgasm.

Goddess, she would not need a consort. Her mate was here, available and had an eager cock. She would not go unsatisfied. Ever.

“Oh, shit. Now what are we going to do about your little problem?” Destiny asked.

“It’s fine.” Trinity waved a hand through the air as if it were nothing. Either she was minimizing her condition or ‘it’s fine’ meant something different on Earth. Ardor was not a joke, taken seriously by everyone on Alera. Clearly, these females didn’t know what Trinity would be in for if she didn’t get it under control.

“I wasn’t going

to sleep with him anyway. It was too weird.” She scrunched up her nose as if something smelled bad. “I told him—”

“What? Told him what?” Faith asked. All three of us waited for Trinity’s answer, but me most of all. Did she have a male back on Earth? Was she already mated to someone I could not seek out and kill with my bare hands?

Was she hurting? Needed my cock filling her? My mouth on her skin?

I was shaking now, struggling to breathe as the sweet scent of her drifted to me once more. Aleran flowers. Sweet. Ripe. Mine.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance