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A knock sounds at the door and the boys’ eyes fall towards it as the door handle turns. I don’t bother, we’ve been bombarded by doctors and nurses since we first ended up in this hell hole. I’m sure it’s just another one coming to check up on us.

The door begins to creep open and the second I see Rocko step over the threshold with a cheap as fuck looking bouquet of flowers in his hands and an awkward expression on his face, all hell breaks loose.

It all happens so quickly. One minute, Rivers is holding Tully as though she the most precious thing this world has ever created, the next, Rocko has him up against the wall, threatening to beat the shit out of him for hurting his girl and then having the balls to climb in bed with her.

He doesn’t fight back or even replies and when Noah goes to take a move, Rivers shakes his head. Not a moment later, he storms out the door while everybody watches on in silence.

Chapter 19

I sit in my bed, playing a game of ‘Go Fish’ with Aria, scowling as she continues to cheat, though the kicker is, she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it, nor does she understand what I’m trying to explain every time she does it. She must think I’m a real sore loser.

It’s day three of being home from the hospital, and so far, it’s driving me insane. I feel perfectly fine to go to school and be part of the world again, but Dad and Noah are both insisting that I finish the week off at home.

It’s so freaking annoying.

If they were in my position, they’d be out of bed in a heartbeat, yet I feel like I have two broody, asshole, guard dogs keeping me locked in my ivory tower. It completely sucks.

Don’t get me wrong, they have a little merit to their asshole ways. I ended up with a nasty headache after spending the day cleaning the house out of pure boredom, my body is still covered head to toe in cuts and bruises, and apparently, there are a few too many rumors going around school claiming they know the truth about the crash. Some people are even saying that the crash was staged and that I actually just went apeshit on Tully in a pure rage because I’m a bitch like that.

Noah quickly set them straight, but it doesn’t stop the chatter.

Tully is not impressed to still be laying helpless in the hospital bed. If I’m going insane here, then she must be going certifiably crazy over there. There’s nothing Tully hates more than complying with someone else. Well, I guess this is kind of different as her own health and safety are in question and she’s really in too much pain to do anything about it, but I swear, every time a nurse comes in and tells her to take her pills, she scowls up at them as though they are there to personally victimize her.

It’s actually getting quite entertaining…that is until I was forced to go home and spend my days locked inside.

With Noah in school and Rivers…well, actually, I don’t really know where the hell he is. No one’s really seen him much since the day Rocko came into the hospital. He apparently stopped in at the hospital to see Tully when no one else was around, checking that she’s healing alright, but apart from that…nothing. Noah says he’s not at school and he’s not been at their house, so with no one really knowing too much about his personal life, we have no fucking idea where he’s been. My guess is that the guilt is eating him up, but he needs to work out how to let go of it because shit like that will do more harm than good.

So yeah, with Noah in school and Rivers wherever the hell he is, I’ve basically been stranded here. Dad and Noah have flat out refused to allow me behind the wheel of a car so I’ve been forced to stay home, unable to actually go and physically check on Tully. Noah ensures me she’s doing fine, but it’s not the same when I can’t see her for myself.

We’ve been texting each other nonstop. There’s only so much Netflix I can watch to keep myself entertained. Tully is mostly alright because she’s got her Kindle, but I haven’t quite fallen in love with reading in the same, ridiculously obsessive way she has. I’ve read two books since the crash but not the impressive six that Tully has torn through. I swear, she probably sees all this as some kind of chance to make a dent in her ‘To Be Read’ pile.

Aria sees the card I pick up and instantly takes it out of my hands, adding it to the group of at least nine cards in her hand. “I win,” she yells.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance