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“I know,” she sighs. “I know.”

Not a second later, all hell breaks loose.

Chapter 6

The wind whips through my hair as I stand by the side of the track watching Noah speed across the finish line like a damn boss. He slams on the brakes and his white Camaro skids to a stop, spitting up a cloud of dust behind him. I swear, it’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.

I don’t know how he does it but there’s something about Noah Cage behind the wheel of a car that gets me each and every time. I mean, damn. Maybe it’s the cocky, too sure confidence paired with the mischievous green, sparkling eyes that drive me crazy. Add the bad boy vibe and sexy as hell tatts and I’m a freaking goner.

I watch in amusement as he pulls himself up through the open window of his Camaro and perches himself there to show off to his adoring fans as though he’s some kind of A-list celebrity.

He cheers and they cheer right along with him making both me and Tully shake our heads. Tully’s head shake is more from mere embarrassment whereas mine is out of exasperation. The beaming smile on my face though, that’s not going anywhere.

Noah turns to start searching me out and it only takes a second. It’s as though there’s some kind of magnetic force between us that draws us together. He always seems to be able to find me in a crowd and I absolutely love that about him, except for those few times I don’t. Tully and I have a habit of trying to slip away at parties to enjoy ourselves without Noah looming over us, making sure we’re always protected and safe. Rivers can be worse though. Like damn, is it too much to ask for us girls to be able to let loose and have a bit of wild fun?

With my eyes locked firmly on his, Noah raises his chin as if to remind me that he’s the fucking boss around here. Though, maybe I should tell him that I saw Nate Ryder hanging out over by the Broken Hill side not long ago. If Noah is a boss around here, that must make Nate the King, right? He holds all the records and while he’s been away working and going to college, Noah has been quickly taking over. I guess they’re both kings in their own right.

Seeing the next race starting to set up, Noah and his opponent get back into their cars and practically barge the crowd off the track. I watch as he drives his Camaro back up to where the rest of the cars are parked and brings it to a stop. He grabs his hoodie then mine, and finally rushes his ass back over to me.

“Here,” he says, throwing my hoodie at me before I get a chance to tell him how great he was. “It’s getting cold. I don’t want you getting sick and putting your dirty ass germs all over me.”

“You’re so charming,” I grin, pulling the hoodie over my head before releasing my hair out the back.

“You know it,” he says, putting his arm over my shoulder and pulling me into his side as he looks down at the race that’s about to start. “Where’s Rivers?”

I shrug my shoulders as Tully grunts out, “Over there.”

I look across at her and then follow her heavy scowl to our right where Rivers stands amongst a few of the other seniors from school. That usually wouldn’t pull any sort of reaction out of her, but the way some random chick keeps hanging off him despite the way he keeps pushing her off is enough to drive Tully insane.

“Fucking girls,” Noah scoffs beside me, shaking his head at the pure desperation written all over the skank. He looks around me to Tully. “What are you so pissed about? Aren’t you over your little crush on him yet?”

Tully turns on her brother and the look in her eyes is enough to have even the strongest of men squirming, but not Noah, he just grins back at his twin sister as though he just asked her what color the sky is. He should be worried though. I’m honestly fearing for the safety of his pretty face right now. “You’re a real asshole, you know that,” she seethes before storming away.

“Shit,” Noah laughs. “What’s her fucking problem?”

“You don’t want to know,” I grumble, silently hoping he doesn’t ask me more on the topic.

He watches as she walks away and I cringe as she heads straight for Rocko’s arms. Shit. This isn’t going to be good.

Noah stiffens beside me and I watch from the corner of my eye as Rivers readjusts his position in his group to get a better view of her. The boys seriously don’t like this just the same as me, but there’s not a lot we can do about it. She’s a big girl and we have to let her make her own decisions, as if we don’t, there will be hell to pay.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance