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“I seriously doubt that,” I tell her with a groan. “I mean, why can’t girls just do shit for themselves? Surely they know that trying to get me to fight their battles is a lost cause.”

“You’d think,” she laughs. “Girls are bitches and they always have an ulterior motive. The trick is figuring out what it is before they get the best of you.”

“Or you can do what I do,” I tell her, “and shut it down before they even have a chance to worm their way in.”

“True,” she says with a roll of her eyes after having seen me do just that many times over the past few weeks. I’ve certainly gotten good at it. “Not all girls can be like me.”

“You mean horny with fucked up priorities?”

A grin rips across her face. “Exactly.”

I shake my head and get the things I need for my first few classes out of my locker, knowing the bell is bound to go off any moment now. As I shut my locker, both mine and Tully’s eyes instinctively trail to the opposite end of the hallway, taking in the other half of our pack.

My eyes rake over Noah and the way he carelessly leans against his locker, talking to Rivers with his hands shoved deep into his pockets has me desperate to run my hands over him. He’s so fucking hot. I simply can’t get over it.

His green eyes. The sharp jaw covered in a light, hot as hell stubble. His tall, wide frame. The strong muscles I know I’ll find beneath his clothes. His shoulders. His smirk. His tight waist. And fuck me, the tattoos. He’s simply delicious and I’m lucky as hell that I get to be the girl crawling into his bed at night.

We’ve been together for just over four months and every single day I find something new about him that seems to drive me a little more wild. Yesterday, I discovered that he pronounces the word slobbery wrong. He says sloppery instead of slobbery and despite the fact that I howled with laughter, I found it absolutely adorable.

I can’t wait to find out what I learn about him today.

Tully though, she couldn’t give a shit about her brother right now. Her eyes are all for Rivers and I’m not going to lie, watching her fight over whether to give him dreamy eyes or a scowl is pretty amusing. The fact that he hurt her wasn’t too amusing though.

I hate that he hurt her and no doubt, he hates it too. They’re so damn perfect together that it grates on my nerves because they’re not. She’s head over heels in love with the guy and I know he loves her too. But they’re both complete idiots. I mean, how freaking hard can it be? If I could work it out with Noah then surely, they can too.

Rivers is convinced he’s not good enough for her and I guess she’d understand that more if Rivers was willing to share a little more about himself. We don’t know anything. We don’t know his parents. Where he lives. What the hell he does when he’s not with us. He’s a closed book and he hasn’t got even the slightest intention of letting any of us in.

They slept together a few weeks ago and while Tully was busy drooling about his…ahem, piercing, Rivers was busy trying to figure out the best way to tell her it was a mistake. Seeing the pain on her face absolutely gutted me. I remember how devastating it felt when Noah told me that he was going to be with Monica and that was before I’d fallen in love with him. Tully is head over freaking heels so I can only imagine how deep it cut.

At least she’s finally pulled back on her whoring around. Right after he hurt her, she did everything in her power to make him jealous, and damn, it worked like a freaking charm. That was until she took it too far and actually slept with someone else. It just had to be Spencer Jones, only the biggest douchebag in Haven Falls.

Damn it, maybe I’m being a little mean. The guy certainly has a few redeeming qualities. He’s a nice guy, but he always happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Tully dated him last summer, I used him to forget about Noah and almost ended up taking it too far, he was the guy who offered us the joint which nearly put us in a very bad situation, and now this. I can only imagine what would happen if Noah found out about it. He’s already given the guy a broken jaw and I bet he’s desperate to do it again.

But…if he found out about Rivers and Tully. Damn. I don’t even want to imagine what would happen there.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance