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Blood will be spilled, hearts will shatter, and trust will be broken.

All thoughts of Tully and Noah are gone when a girl in the shortest skirt I’ve ever seen strides up to my guy. Her ass cheeks hang out the bottom and eyes from everywhere fall upon her creamy cheeks. Not mine though, they’re focused on the manicured hand she places on Noah’s chest.

It’s like my eyes zone in on them like weapons of mass destruction. Does she not know what a dangerous game she’s playing?

I watch as Noah glances down at the hand with amusement on his handsome face. The girl must mistake it for interest as she throws her head back and laughs at whatever he must have said.

She steps in a little closer and I cock an eyebrow. Waiting. Watching.

Noah’s eyes lift to mine as the girl presses her tits into his hard chest and smiles up at him. Noah grins at me, knowing exactly how this is going to play out and heat flames within me as he winks. How can I not be used to that yet? This shit never gets old. Not with Noah.

The girl looks up at him, probably wondering why the fuck his arm hasn’t circled around her waist like she’s used to guys doing when she realizes his eyes aren’t on her.

She looks back over her shoulder, more than ready to shoot a glare at whatever is holding his attention, but upon seeing who that glare is aimed at, she quickly falters.

Her gasp is nearly heard all the way down the opposite end of the hallway before she rips her hand away from his chest and practically launches herself across the hallway until her back is slamming into the lockers on the other side.

Her eyes never leave mine once, and to be honest, keeping a straight face that long is damn hard.

“Fuck,” Tully laughs beside me, having caught every moment of that little entertaining show. “These girls really fear you. You and him, you’re like Beyoncé and Jay Z. Un-fucking-touchable.”

“Damn straight,” I tell her as the bell sounds loudly through the school. A devilish grin settles on my face as we start heading towards homeroom. “I’ll fuck up a bitch who dares to take what belongs to me.”

She rolls her eyes knowing I’m being slightly dramatic. I mean, girls have tried every day since the very first day and it’s never stuck because Noah is mine just as much as I am his. He’s not interested in fucking around and letting random chicks hang off him like he used to, and most of them have figured it out, but naturally, there are a few who are a little late to the party.

We walk towards the boys as they start walking toward us, both of their homerooms at the other end of the school. Noah stops just as we’re about to pass, his arm shooting out and circling my waist before pulling me in hard against his chest. “You enjoyed that way too much,” he tells me.

My chin raises to his and my lips hover just in front of his. “Is that a bad thing?”

“Fuck no, babe,” he murmurs before gently pressing his lips to mine. “I love having a girlfriend who’s a natural chick repellent.”

“Same could be said for you,” I tell him. I mean, guys won’t even approach me out of sheer respect for Noah.

“That’s got nothing to do with me, Spitfire,” he chuckles. “You scare them away all on your own.”

“Ha, ha. You’re so funny, Noah.”

“You know it,” he grins, proud of his stupid joke before kissing me once again. “Try not to get yourself in detention today. I plan on taking advantage of you in the broom closet at lunch.”

“Have I ever told you how romantic you are?”

He winks and with that, he heads off to homeroom, leaving me looking back over my shoulder, staring at that perfect ass of his.

Chapter 4

It’s been a long ass day and I’m desperate to get home, but I have one more class left. My only saving grace is that it’s Advanced Biology and while everyone else seems to hate it, I absolutely love it.

I don’t know what it is about Biology class and all things science, but every time I walk into this room, my world brightens just a little. There’s always something exciting to learn and has my mind whirling with endless possibilities.

If I could do anything with my life, I’d choose to work in one of those fancy labs, studying genetic genealogy. Don’t ask me why, but there’s something so fascinating about DNA. It draws me in and I find myself getting completely lost in it.

Over the Christmas break last year I’d saved up all my pennies and bought myself a genealogy textbook and was finished with it in days. Between then and now, I think I’ve read and reread it at least a dozen times.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance