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“Hey,” I said, as I embraced her. “You still wanna do this? I can take you home if you want?”

“No, I do want to. I don’t know how.”

I’m no model either but as soon as I’m wearing great clothes I can’t help getting a little… posey. All I had to do was channel that feeling, and put Kayla at ease.

I turned to the camera, dramatically flicking my hair over my shoulder. “Well, it’s like this.” I raised my chin like a diva. “You gotta think you’re the most awesome person in the world.”

Kayla giggled and I stuck my hip out to one side, leaning forward slightly and doing an over-the-top pout towards the lens. Nick snapped a photo of me, and I spun around so my back was to him then looked over my shoulder, giving it the teenage girl duck face. He snapped another photo, and I faced him again, blowing him a kiss.

Beside me, Kayla laughed her ass off and I pulled her into a one-armed hug. “Say cheese!”

She was laughing so hard, I started to laugh too, and as the two of us messed around together, Nick kept on snapping away and she began to forget her nerves. I didn’t care that I wasn’t perfectly dressed or made up, it wasn’t about me. As soon as Kayla relaxed, I stepped away and let her do her own thing for a while.

Two hours passed, and one outfit change and a make-up update later, Kayla had really found her groove. I had to keep her in check any time she got carried away, and attempted something her mother would consider whore-ish, but for the most part, she just looked like a teenage girl having fun.

“Hey, Bree. Can we do some photos together? Proper ones, not like when we were messing around before.”

I combed my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know. I’m not wearing great clothes, or make-up for that matter.”

“You look beautiful! You always do. Go throw on some lipstick and mascara and get over here!”

How could I possibly say no? As I made a quick trip to the make-up room to touch up, I felt a swell of pride. Not just for making her happy with the photo shoot. Because I saw how special she was. So young, and still learning about who she wanted to be but she wasn’t afraid to let go of her fears and try something different, something that made her feel good. She really was becoming the little sister I’d always wanted. I wished we could do this every weekend.

Jesse flashed into my mind. If I was with him, Kayla would be my sister for real. I wouldn’t dread going home because I knew he’d listen to me no matter what I wanted to talk about. And I’d listen to him, too. I was used to soccer talk, and with Jesse it would be different soccer talk.

I knew I was getting carried away when I lost concentration and poked myself in the eye with my mascara wand.

Truthfully, I didn’t know if any of that was what I wanted. But I knew I felt things for Jesse I probably shouldn’t.

Knowing Kayla was waiting, I quit daydreaming and hurried back to her where she waited, chatting easily to Nick and Tanya as if she’d known them forever.

“I’m back,” I said. “Let’s-”

My sentence got cut short as a bright flash of lightning lit up the sky – and the room – before the lights flickered off, plunging us into darkness.

Kayla screamed and grabbed hold of my arm. “What just happened?”

Panic crept into my gut. I promised Mrs Shaw I’d keep watch on the weather, but we’d been having so much fun, I to

tally forgot about the storm. Rain battered the windows behind the closed blinds.

The lights flickered back on, but my heart pounded so hard I barely noticed.

“Okay,” I said. “I think we need to pack up and get you home. I swore I’d get you back before things got bad, and… I think I’ve already messed up.”

Kayla shook her head. “I think this is just the beginning. If it had been like this for a while, Mom would have called by now.”

She was probably right. The change outside had come out of nowhere. Sure, it had rained but suddenly the downpour was heavy enough to rattle the windows, and another flash of lightning told me it was definitely time to get moving.

“Kayla, go get your things packed up, okay? I’m gonna call your mom now and then we’ll go.”

Chapter 8 – My Mind Was Like A Jigsaw Puzzle

It was a good thing we left when we did. In spite of the hammering rain, strong winds, and the thunder and lightning that made Kayla and I jump every time, it still took us less time to get home than usual. There were way fewer cars on the road, and even driving as slowly as I needed to to keep us safe, we still knocked ten minutes off the usual time.

I’ve never been so relieved to get out of my car. Concentrating so hard really exhausted me, and Mrs Shaw wrapped Kayla and me in a huge, warm hug as soon as we got through the door. Much needed since I’d gotten soaked through.

“Thank you, Bree.” She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “Thank you for getting her home. I’m glad you’re both safe.”

Tags: Kyra Lennon Game On Romance