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We were six years apart in age but I felt more connected to her than to anyone else in my life at that moment. We both needed to take our minds off our crap, and in a flash of inspiration, an idea came to me.

What did Kayla and I enjoy? Clothes and make-up! I understood more than most that material things don’t bring happiness, but they can provide a great distraction. A plan formed in my head. All I needed to do was get Mr and Mrs Shaw’s approval.

Chapter 7 - Storm

I stayed on the beach for more than an hour before heading home. I needed the time to think. Partly to keep mulling over my plan to give Kayla and me something fun to look forward to, and partly to stare out at the waves and try to figure out my next move with Jude, and work, and… Jesse. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jesse. Was Taylor right? Did I have options I hadn’t considered? I didn’t want to not be with Jude anymore, but Jesse was so much more on my level. He understood me. Didn’t judge. Didn’t look at me like I was crazy for wanting to stand on my own two feet. Jesse was kind, caring, gorgeous. And his family? Man, I loved them. Jude’s family accepted me and they were never rude to me but they weren’t warm like Jesse’s family. Like my family used to be, back when I had one.

As I walked through the door, the sound of the television greeted me. From my position in the hallway, I saw Jude’s feet hanging over the edge of the sofa in the living room, and I was tempted to walk straight on upstairs without saying anything. In fact, I’d already edged towards the staircase when he called my name.

With a sigh, I went to the living room just as Jude peeled himself from the sofa. His hair was messy and his clothes crumpled where he’d been lying down. My heart did a little flutter at the sight of him before I remembered how pissed I was at him and Will, and everyone for trying to control me. My defences shot up, then slowly fell away when Jude said nothing.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” I asked. “I thought you’d… never mind.” I shook my head. “I’m going to bed.”

“It’s only nine o’clock, Bree.”

Great. It’s still early enough to call Jesse. I forced myself to stop doing that. To stop thinking of Jesse that way, but what was wrong with calling him? We were friends. I needed my friends when my husband was being an ass.

“Fine. Then I’m going to take a bath.”

Jude reached for me before I could turn away, his touch gentle as always as his fingers closed around mine. “Look at me.”

I didn’t want to. I wasn’t sure what I’d find. Would I see the man I married or the man who was so intent on questioning my every move?

“Jude, please. I just want to take a bath, and sleep. I had a busy day.”

Honestly, it wasn’t work that had tired me out, it was the arguing and the emotion. Even I couldn’t stay positive when the life was being sucked out of me.

“I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me. Why would you even want Taylor here?”

He couldn’t even see the real issue.

“If you can’t understand why I’m mad at you, I don’t see any point in talking.”

I pulled my hand away

, and walked out of the room and up the stairs.

Jude didn’t attempt to talk to me again that night.

I didn’t call Jesse but I did call his mom about my plan to give Kayla and me a cool day out. It took a little persuading, but eventually, Mrs Shaw agreed. Yay!

Late Saturday morning, I arrived at the Shaw household, completely buzzing, even though it was pouring with rain. I should have listened better to those weather warnings I heard about the other night on the television. Storms were predicted but so far, all I saw was rain clouds. Besides, we would be inside, how bad could it be?

Mrs Shaw greeted me with a nervous smile as I shook off my umbrella and left it outside on the front step before stepping into their hallway. I didn’t need to look around for Jesse since I knew he had to go out early for a hospital appointment. I was too pumped to be disappointed. Besides, I’d see him later when I dropped Kayla back to the house.

“I think I’d better stay here.” I kept my feet planted firmly on the doormat. “I don’t want to drip all over your floor.”

Leaning forward to peer out of the small window beside the door, Mrs Shaw gave a small sigh. “You will drive carefully, won’t you? I’m probably worrying over nothing but the weather reports-”

I placed my hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. We’ll only be a couple of hours and if the weather looks like it’s going to get too bad I’ll bring Kayla right home.”

Before she could say anything else, Kayla bounded down the stairs carrying a backpack which looked pretty heavily stuffed.

“Morning!” She skipped over to me with a huge grin on her face. She raised her arms to give me a hug, then stopped, noting how wet I was. “I’ll hug you later.”

“Kayla, what have you got in that bag?”

Kayla fluttered her eyelids at her mother. “Clothes.”

Tags: Kyra Lennon Game On Romance