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“Why don’t you try calling him ‘Nate’?”

Jackson pretends to think it over for a while. “I think I like swamp rat better.”

“Jackson,” I snap.

“Alright, alright,” he laughs, clearly very proud of himself. “Is that Nate’s Mustang? Did he build it himself?”

“Yes, it is and yes, he did.”

“Shit. Is he racing it?”

“Weren’t you there on Friday night? He killed it. The king is back, and before you say anything, the answer is no. You’re not racing him again. I won’t allow it.”

“Really?” he scoffs. “Like he could back down from the challenge.”

“He will back down from it because he knows how I feel about it. Besides, he doesn’t trust you enough to even bother lining up to race.”

“Good point, though it’s not like I’d try that bullshit on him again. That didn’t end so well the first time,” he murmurs. “I’ll have to come up with another way to beat his ass.”

“Can’t you just accept that Nate is the best and move on?”


I groan as we get to the top of the hallway and start searching out Mr. Miller’s classroom. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” I question, knowing for a fact he isn’t in my Monday morning class.

Jackson shrugs his shoulders. “More important things to do,” he grunts.

“Like what?” Brooke scoffs.

“Like figuring out how the hell to convince Elle to go out with me.”

Brooke scoffs. “Here’s an idea,” she says. “Have you actually considered asking her out on a date? Just straight up saying ‘Hey, Elle. I like you. Will you go out with me on Friday night?’. It’s really not that hard. Besides, she’s not into all that over the top romantic shit that Puck pulled with Court.”

His eyebrows pull down. “Huh,” he grunts. “I like it.” Jackson turns to me. “That’s the last time I ask your advice. Brooke’s a shitload better at this. Why couldn’t you have told me that on Friday night? I’d be buried deep inside that sweet pussy by now.”

“Ewww,” I groan, shrugging out from under his arm. “I don’t want to hear that shit.”

Jackson raises his eyebrows at me, proud of grossing me out. “Tough shit,” he laughs before turning and hurrying away, probably to get to his class before getting detention for tardiness.

“You know,” Brooke muses beside me. “If he and Jesse weren’t so up themselves, they’d probably get along, like disgustingly good.”

“I know,” I laugh. “I was literally just thinking that.”

With that, we barge through the door of Mr. Miller’s classroom and as usual, Nate is nowhere to be seen.

Chapter 14

I push out of the cafeteria with Brooke and Brylee and we make our way out to sit in the sunshine. I have no idea where Elle or Courtney have disappeared to but I have some pretty good ideas. All of which include certain boys who can’t stop drooling over them.

We watch the boys out on the field throwing around a football as we take a seat on the hill overlooking the school. I love it when we have days like this. It’s something different than the usual cafeteria drama and with summer creeping closer, it’s nice being able to catch a little sun. Especially when I can sit out in the sun and watch my skin go from white to having a beautiful sun-kissed glow, unlike Bry who turns bright red and will probably start peeling in a few days. I mean, it looks like there could be a storm coming later in the afternoon, but for now, it’s all good.

“We need another lake day,” Brooke says, closing her eyes and tilting her head up towards the sun.

Bry scoffs in distaste. “Nah, I’m thinking the beach.”

“What?” I shriek. “Are you nuts? The beach is in Haven Falls and the last time I was there I practically assaulted some guy. There’s probably a warrant out for my arrest.”

“Dramatic much?” Brooke laughs.

“Shut up,” I say, rolling my eyes. “All I mean is that I’d prefer to go to the lake, and besides, it would give Jesse a chance to finally use his stupid boat.”

“Oh, yeah,” Brooke laughs. “I forgot about that boat.”

My phone starts vibrating in my pocket and I roll around in the grass attempting to slide it out of my skin tight jeans. As soon as I get it out, I look at the screen, hit accept, and bring the phone to my ear.

“Where the hell are you guys?” Elle screeches through the phone, not bothering to say hello first.

“Outside,” I tell her. “On the hill.”

She ends the call and not ten seconds later, I watch as Elle and Courtney appear from inside the cafeteria. Elle hurries down to us with a grin on her face, hauling Courtney behind her. “Oh, geez,” Brylee laughs. “She looks way too happy.”

“Agreed,” Brooke laughs.

I watch as Elle draws nearer and it doesn’t take long before she comes to a stop before us. Her excitement is evident in her eyes and the fact that she can’t keep still. She bounces before us, not able to sit down. “He asked me,” she announces.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance