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His eyebrows furrow as he looks at me in alarm. “Why the hell not?”

“I told him I was going to destroy him and this right here is my evidence,” I explain. “Josh is going down. He’ll never touch another woman again.”

Nate nods. “You’re sure?” he questions. “In order to do that you’ll have to show people exactly what he did to you.”

“I know,” I say, more determined than ever.

“Ok,” he says as he places his hand on my lower back. “It’s your decision. Whatever you want, I’m here for you.”

I nod my head as we walk into Watkins’ office. He’s already seated behind his desk and dialing a number on his phone. He scowls at each of us and I follow Nate’s lead as he takes a seat.

“Mr. Ryder,” he says into the phone. “This is Principal Watkins from Broken Hill High. I’m sorry to have to call you like this, however, there’s a situation involving your sons. I’m going to have to ask you to come down here.” He pauses for a moment before starting up again. “Yes, thank you. I’ll see you shortly.”

Principal Watkins hangs up the phone before looking up at us all. He scans the line of boys before him before his eyes narrow on me. I’ve never been in his office for something bad before and there’s no doubt he’s trying to work out what the hell I have to do with a fight between the two boys.

His eyes go back to Nate which is when they narrow further. “That’s your third strike, Nathaniel,” he tells him.

Nate just nods his head, accepting what is, but not me. I won’t stand for him getting in trouble like that, especially when he was defending me. I fly to my feet. “No,” I demand. “How can you just say that when you haven’t even asked a single question? You have no idea what that was even about.”

His eyes widen as he looks to me before he fans his arm out. “Well then,” he says with a bad attitude. “Why don’t you shed a little light on the situation? I’d love to know what could have possibly happened to make what Nathaniel did alright.”

I raise my eyebrow at his bad attitude and force myself not to go over there and give him a piece of my own mind. Instead, I bring up the footage and hand the camera across. “Here,” I tell him. “That’s your star quarterback sexually assaulting me in the broom closet not ten minutes ago.”

Watkins hits play on the video and his bad attitude instantly turns into shock, followed by disgust, and then finally, horror. “Are you alright?” he questions when he looks up at me.

“Yes,” I say. “Physically, but I’m sure what he did is going to flash through my mind every time I see a football player or walk past a broom closet.” He nods and places the camera down on his desk. “Just so you know, I plan on taking him down. I’m going to hit him hard with everything I’ve got and I hope to god that this school can back me up. I also want it pointed out that I’m a minor and I did not give consent for him to touch me or film me in this way.”

“By all means, Tora,” he says. “Broken Hill High will stand by you. We do not condone any form of violence towards our students or staff and we will do whatever we can to make you feel safe within the walls of this school. You have my word, Tora, action will be taken,” he says before turning towards Nate. “As for you, I understand why you did it, hell, I probably would have done it too, but we cannot condone violence.” Nate nods and Watkins goes on. “Why don’t you all sit out in the hallway. Your father will be here soon and we can discuss an appropriate punishment.”

“What about punishment for Josh?” Jesse cuts in.

“An investigation will be launched but I believe expulsion and criminal charges would be appropriate,” he says before looking back at me. “Now, as you mentioned, you are a minor, so you understand that I will have to put a call into your parents?”

I press my lips together hating that a call like that is only going to worry them but I have no choice in the matter. “Yes, I know,” I tell him. “They’re in Australia at the moment with my sick Nanna. It’s night time and they’re going through a hard time so can you be… sensitive about it?”

“Of course,” he says. “Why don’t you visit one of our nurses while we wait on Mr. Ryder. Make sure you’re ok.”

I nod my head as we get up and head out into the hallway. Nate takes my hand and I sit down beside him, not bothering to visit the nurse.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance