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With that, he steps away and struts down the stairs like he couldn’t be happier. I’m reminded of why I’m standing here and turn my attention back to Nate to find him grinning down at me. “Big shot, huh?” he questions with a sparkle in his dark eyes.

I let out a groan. “You’re kidding, right?”

He steps forward into me and the move has me stepping back into the hallway. He takes another step and then another and I find myself pressed up against the wall. “Admit it,” he says as he pushes up into me and leans his head down to mine. “I saw the way you were watching me last night. You want to know what it’s like, don’t you? You’re intrigued.”

I tilt my head up to him and bring my hand to rest against his bare chest. “Is that an offer?” I ask him, ignoring the way his skin burns under my fingers.

I see the exact moment he thinks he’s got me. He leans in deeper, ready to take what he thinks is his. His hands find purchase on my waist. “Admit it and I’ll give you exactly what you want,” he murmurs.

I smirk to myself before I run my nose up his neck and breathe him in. “When the day comes that I’m interested in getting an STD, I’ll be sure to let you know,” I whisper before pushing him off me. “Now get your ass dressed. I told you, I have a test.”

His eyes narrow on mine, clearly not enjoying being played, but hey, what comes around goes around, right? I can’t imagine how many times he’s played a girl in that way. “Why should I give a shit about your stupid test?” he grunts as he looks down on me.

“I’m not asking you to give a shit about my test. I’m asking you to get your ass downstairs and drive me to school,” I tell him. “This wouldn’t be your problem if you hadn’t been such a dick and brought me here.”

He lets out a heavy breath before stalking back into his room and slamming the door. I hear him rustling around inside and I lean against the wall with a grin plastered on my face. I prop my foot up against the wall and cross my arms over my chest.

Over the past few years, it’s always been Nate getting under my skin, except for now. Things are changing. I just put Jesse in his place and now I’ve done the same with Nate and it feels incredible. I mean, I’m victorious right now and the adrenaline pumping through my veins has me wanting to run up and down the hallway doing the chicken dance.

I don’t know why I’m surprised by all this. I should have known that these guys don’t show up to school until the very last moment. Jokes on me. I should have sucked it up and learned how to drive my car.

Nate’s door is ripped open and he takes one look at the smugness that completely overtakes me before turning and practically running down the stairs. Clearly, Nate Ryder is not someone who enjoys losing, but unfortunately for him, I’ve just got a taste for the good stuff and I’m not about to let that slip through my fingers.

I have to hurry to keep up with Nate as he storms out the front door and jumps straight into his Camaro. The engine purrs to life and something tells me he’s not about to wait for me to take my time. I throw myself through the passenger door of his car just in time for him to take off like a bat out of hell. I’m not even sure if the door was closed before he hit the gas.

I pull my phone out and check the time to see that the first warning bell would be ringing right about now, but if he keeps up with this ridiculous speed, I’ll make it to my class just in time, assuming I don’t stop by my locker first.

A minute later, Nate pulls into the parking lot of Broken Hill High and as the bell has already rung, the lot is absolutely packed, but naturally, Nate drives straight through all the cars and finds a spot right at the front. It takes me a minute to realize this must be his spot. Not that we have designated spots here, but I’m sure people are just terrified that he’ll beat the shit out of them if they were to park in a space that’s declared as his.

The second his car comes to a stop, I scram. I hurry up to the school and run towards my class just in time to watch the teacher placing the test on my empty desk.

I fly through the door and fall into my desk before rummaging through my bag for a pen. The teacher tells the class that we have exactly forty minutes to complete the test, he then hits a timer and leans back with the morning paper.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance