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My hand snaps out as I catch my coffee cup and save myself from being drenched in the yummy goodness while Nate chuckles to himself as he passes.

“Nathaniel Ryder,” Mr. Miller calls out. “You’re late. I know it’s the first day back of your senior year, but I will not accept tardiness to my class. Your break is now over. If it happens again, you will be spending your lunch period with me.”

I look back at Nate over my shoulder just in time to watch him salute Mr. Miller with a smirk that has Miller’s face turning an impossible shade of red. Nate then pulls out his lighter and spins it between his fingers while sliding down in his chair and paying absolutely no attention to the class. “I see,” Mr. Miller says before muttering under his breath. “You’re going to go far in life.”

At that, Nate’s eyes snap back up to him and narrow on him, making Miller swallow back fear before turning away and getting on with the lesson. Nate notices me watching and his eyes flick over to mine. I can’t help but narrow my eyes on him before I rip them away and turn back around to face the front, unable to handle the intensity of his glare.

The class gets underway and I somehow manage to block out the daggers that are shooting into my back and the sound of Nate repeatedly flicking the lever on his lighter.

I don’t know why he hates me so much, but this game is getting old. It’s about time he moved on and found some other poor soul to torture.

The bell rings and within two seconds, Nate has his bag thrown over his shoulder and is pushing out the door.

Brooke and I follow behind and make plans to meet at our usual table for lunch before going to our next classes.

The next few classes drag by, but I’m lucky to have Courtney in a few of them.

By lunch, I meet the girls right where we had planned and walk up to the cafeteria for something to eat. I pick out something small, knowing that I probably won’t eat it anyway and turn to head back to my table when the head of the cheer skanks stops me in my tracks.

“Tora,” she says while crossing her arms over her fake chest.

“Is there something you need, Elle?” I question, knowing exactly what she’s here for.

“As a matter of fact,” she says. “There is. You need to back off Josh. He’s not interested in you, and from one girl to another, I’m just trying to look out for you. I don’t want your little heart to get broken.”

“Awww,” I smile, reading through her bullshit. “That’s awfully sweet of you, but you know what? I think I’ll try my luck. He’s just too cute.”

Her expression hardens as she takes in my sarcastic tone. “You know what, Tora? I was just trying to be nice, but you don’t deserve it. Josh is our guy and you need to take your claws out of him, maybe find someone a little more your speed, say, like the janitor.”

I grin down at the little shrimp. “Like I said,” I tell her with a wink, not able to handle some skank telling me who I can and cannot get busy with. “I’ll take my chances.”

Elle’s eyes narrow on me. “You’ve been warned, Tora.”

“Consider this my official ‘I don’t give a shit’,” I tell her before walking back to my table.

I slide my tray down and fall into my spot beside Brooke. “What the hell was that?” Brooke questions as she shoves a bread roll into her mouth.

“That was the new cheer captain trying to assert her dominance over us mere mortals,” I explain.

“Ahhh,” Brooke nods. “She wants you to back off Josh.”

“You got it,” I laugh before I look down at my food and push it around a little. I sit with the girls, not actually eating when I notice every single eye of the cheerleaders on me. I turn and give them a little wave before getting up and emptying my tray in the bin.

While I’m up, I smirk to myself as I cross the room to the football table. I find Josh sitting between a group of his friends and I lean down over him while the cheerleaders narrow their eyes on me. “Hey, Josh,” I smile as I squeeze my hands into his big shoulders.

“Hey, Tora,” he grins as his arm snakes out around my waist. He pulls me down on his lap between a wall of muscle and my arms naturally fall around his neck. I can’t help but smirk at Elle before I seal my lips on his.

I know it’s not the greatest kiss and it’s probably never going to go anywhere with him, but knowing that I can piss off Elle in the process is too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance