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"Damn you, Carstairs! You touch her and I'll nail your hide to the mast."

"Which mast?"


"Well, I shall have to consider that, won't I?" He was grinning as he left for his cabin.

Lyon returned to the cabin when fatigue overtook him. There was nearly a full moon tonight and he could see her clearly, secure in her little nest on the floor, fast asleep. The sleep of the innocent, he thought viciously.

In a very short time, he lay on top of the covers, naked, his thoughts in a tangle. He could hear her even breathing. His final thought before he fell asleep was, Why not enjoy her body before he left her? She had offered

herself to him, after all. Yes, why not? Then let her seduce all the other men in the Virgin Islands. He wouldn't care.

He didn't act on his decision, not for two more days.

"We're almost home," Diana said, her eyes glittering with excitement. Lyon was standing behind her, his eyes on her body. He must be losing his mind. He said nothing.

She seemed to have forgotten for the moment that they weren't speaking to each other. "Look yon, see what I told you. All the islands. Some are barren as a desert, but others, they are so beautiful. Green, lush, with marvelous freshwater streams. And all the flowers, so vivid and beautiful they make you stare."

Lyon continued quiet, but he looked. So this is what Columbus saw. It felt oddly safe to see land on all sides of the ship. And Diana was right, it suddenly felt as if they were indeed someplace definite. Not just insignificant beings floundering on an endless ocean.

It was very warm, and the water of the Carribbean was vastly different from the Atlantic. The water was myriad shades of blue. He watched pelicans plunge into the sea searching for food. And countless frigate birds. He was fascinated.

He said suddenly, not looking at her, "I have decided to accept your offer."

"What offer?"

"I will initiate you into lovemaking this evening. No, not really lovemaking," he corrected, "sex, pure and simple sex."

She gulped. Oh, dear. She drew a deep breath and slowly turned to face him. She gave him what she hoped was a siren's smile. "Will you really, Lyon? I am not so certain that I wish you to be the first. I have been with Rafael for many days now and I find him most virile, very manly."

"I thought I was the only manly man you knew," he said, his voice no longer so harshly determined.

Her damned seductive smile stayed in place, and she shrugged. "I suppose I have already begun to enlarge my horizons, so to speak."

His feelings were very simple and straightforward at that moment. He wanted to thrash her. "Not just yet," he said, his brows lowered. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her that if she slept in the cabin this night, he fully intended to take her, willing or not. He kept the promise to himself. He could just see her trudging to Rafael's cabin and building her damned nest on his floor, curse her.

Instead, he gave her a bored salute and left her.

I've won, Diana thought, staring after him. He wants nothing to do with me now that I've convinced him I am just like his precious Charlotte.

She turned back to the rail and tried to recall her excitement on being so very near to home.

Only a day and a half from St. Thomas, she thought, settling herself for sleep that evening. She looked forward to seeing her father again. As for her new stepmother and stepbrother, she refused to think about them for the moment. Where was Lyon?

Probably sleeping on deck.

She fell into a light sleep.

Lyon smiled into the darkness toward the sound of her even breathing. He was naked, he was ready, and he was determined. He refused to think about what he was doing. No, if the chit wanted to be a whore, he would give her her first lessons. He wondered briefly how long it would take him to sell the Mendenhall plantation. And free the slaves? Certainly, it wouldn't be difficult.

Lyon eased down beside her, her face clear from the light of the full moon that streamed through the porthole.

He looked at her face and paused. She looked so very innocent, trusting. The sheet was down at her feet and she was only in her nightgown. Excellent, he thought. He moved closer and very slowly began untying the three ribbons down the front of her nightgown. She stirred, flinging one arm over her head.

Very gently, he pulled back her nightgown and stared down at her breasts. He swallowed painfully. She is so beautifully white, he thought, studying her in the soft moonlight, so very white and her nipples a soft pink. So very full. His fingers itched. He leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth. God, she tasted so sweet, so soft.

He jumped when he heard her moan softly.

Tags: Catherine Coulter Magic Trilogy Romance