Page 53 of Savior

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Heat rushed to my cheeks at his praise. “Thank you.”

“If things don’t work out there, make sure you give us a call,” Jake said.

“Don’t bother, I already tried. Erik is possessive of this one,” Carina joked, smiling at Erik.

“I know a good investment when I see one.” Erik rested his hand on my upper back, moving me closer to his side. “Carina, it was great to see you and Mr. Wellington. We appreciate your donation and I’m sorry you all missed my partner, Mr. Bergamo. Enjoy the night and I hope you win a very expensive prize.”

“Nice to meet all of you,” I managed before Erik dragged me away.

“Alex, wow,” a familiar voice called.

I turned to find three boys all dressed in tuxes. “Wyatt. Hey.”

I disentangled my hand from Erik’s and greeted Wyatt with a hug. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you.”

“Mr. Brandt, thanks for letting us be a part of the event. As always, each year is better than the last,” Wyatt greeted.

Erik didn’t respond, only nodded. He probably couldn’t speak past his clenched jaw.

“Can I get you a drink?” Wyatt offered. “Then we can maybe have another dance?”

“She can’t,” Erik finally spoke—or growled was more like it. “I’m introducing her to our clients. I suggest you boys do the same and use this as a business function. I’m sure Hanna is around somewhere. Just please remember you’re representing our company tonight.”

“Yes, sir,” they all responded, standing a little taller.

Erik’s hand moved to my back again and guided me away.

“That was rude,” I mumbled.

“This is a charity gala hosted by our company, not some rave they can get drunk at and grind on you.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s a bit over the top.”

He looked down his nose at me and shrugged. “Either way, it will be good for you to come around with me and learn how to interact with clients.”

I held my arm out. “Lead the way.”

Erik spent most of the night moving around the room and I stuck by his side, entranced by all the beauty and excitement. He was in his element talking with everyone, pushing them all toward the auction prizes, animatedly discussing the plans for Haven. It had me softening even more after last night.

I couldn’t deny how safe I felt with him. Not that it made any sense. Looking from the outside in at the relationship we’d formed, he’d been rude and cruel to me. But I couldn’t deny the way I felt. I knew what fear felt like and never once had I questioned my safety in Erik’s presence. I never worried he’d seriously hurt me. It may have sounded crazy, but I was able to breathe easier around him.

I just no longer held out any hope that he would come around to wanting more from me. So, for the time being, I relished the relaxed ease I had with him. I enjoyed feeling sexy each time he looked at me. I enjoyed the rush of tingles down my spine when his fingers grazed the skin on my back to direct me a certain way. I’d never had this safety to embrace my sexuality and as the night progressed, I wanted more.

After a while, we moved to a ballroom upstairs where speeches were made and dinner was served. Erik stood and gave the keynote speech that had tears burning the backs of my eyes. Knowing the story behind how Haven started, made the simple words he spoke about helping women and the community ring through me with so much more feeling.

Then everyone applauded as Hanna announced the auction winners before the party moved back downstairs where everyone danced under dim lighting to a jazz band playing off to the side.

“How about that dance?” a deep voice said behind me.

I already knew who I’d find when I turned and wasn’t disappointed to meet blue eyes and an easy smile. Wyatt walked up with his hands in his pockets and I couldn’t help but smile. He was handsome and there was no denying it. He might not inspire the same heat that Erik did, but I could still appreciate his good looks.

Tonight had been a unique experience and made me weightless and free from the day to day stresses—comfortable. Why not enjoy a little more attention? Why not embrace the seduction?


I was getting ready to place my hand in his when another snagged it away.

“Sorry, Wyatt. Maybe the next one,” Erik said over his shoulder as he pulled me away.

“Really?” I growled at Erik’s back.

“I told you not to screw the interns.”

“How is that your business?”

I almost bumped into him when he stopped and whirled on me, his brows furrowed over angry eyes. “Because you’re my business. Now, are we going to dance?”


“Erik?” a soft voice called from behind him.

He turned. “Chloe, hey.”

I saw her fiery red hair over his shoulder and didn’t even bother to not roll my eyes.

Tags: Fiona Cole Romance