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‘You swam perfectly. It was only when you thought about what you were doing that you sank. You need to have more faith in yourself, Jess.’ He pulled her against him and her legs wrapped themselves around his waist.

As always she felt incredibly safe with him and she knew that there was no one else in the world she’d rather cling to in deep water.

The sun burned her shoulders and the salt water stung her eyes but she’d never been happier in her life, and when he pressed his mouth gently to hers the flash of excitement was instantaneous, so intense, that she pressed against him and opened her mouth under his.

‘Careful,’ he growled against her lips, ‘or all the cold water in the world isn’t going to help me.’

Surprised by the comment, Jessie pulled away slightly. ‘That’s why you wanted me in the water?’

He gave a wry smile. ‘Let’s just say that the self-control on which I pride myself appears to be non-existent where you’re concerned.’

Feeling a rush of excitement that she had that degree of effect on him, Jessie slid her hands into his wet hair. ‘You’re saying I’m irresistible?’

His jaw tightened and she had a feeling he was gritting his teeth. ‘Something like that. If you don’t want to make it worse for me, you could stop wriggling.’

Jessie stilled, but the urge to move her hips was almost painful. ‘We could go back to the beach…’

‘No.’ His mouth drifted over hers with tantalising slowness. ‘Not yet. You wanted foreplay. This is foreplay. If I die in the attempt, you’ll have to resuscitate me.’

‘Mouth to mouth.’

‘You’re already doing that part.’ His hands were tight on her hips, although whether he was holding her against him or preventing her from pressing any closer, she wasn’t sure. All she knew was that her entire body was on fire.

‘I think foreplay might be overrated.’

‘Don’t be impatient.’ His tongue traced her lower lip, teasing, coaxing until Jessie’s entire body was burning.

Unable to help herself, she ground her hips against him and he gave a throaty groan and tightened his grip on her thighs.

The contrast of the cool water against her heated skin somehow intensified the whole experience and Jessie moaned with relief as he slid one hand down her back and then lower still.

Tensing with anticipation, the entire focus of her body was centred on that one part of her, and when his skilled, gentle fingers finally touched her there she almost passed out with pleasure.

‘Are you sore after last night?’ His intimate question increased the colour in her cheeks.


‘This time I’m not going to hurt you,’ he promised thickly, and Jessie gave a low moan of desperation.

‘If you don’t do something soon, I might have to hurt you,’ she muttered, and he gave a faint laugh and took her mouth again, his kiss gentle but explicit.

His fingers continued their intimate exploration but it wasn’t enough and Jessie shifted against him, too aroused to control her movements.

She felt his other hand on her thigh and then the bottom half of her bikini dropped away and she felt cool water against the burning centre of her body—felt him hard and ready, against her.

His mouth still on hers, Silvio anchored her hips and held her still, his fingers tight on her trembling thighs as he eased into her gently. He felt smooth and hot and she cried out against his mouth and tried to take him deeper but he held her fast, the strength of his hands preventing any movement on her part.

He seemed determined to torture her, his movements so slow and provocative that Jessie felt as though her entire body was going to explode. The contrast between his powerful heat and the coolness of the water made the experience all the more intense and she moaned his name in quiet desperation.

The only sound was the hiss of the water as it touched the beach and the harsh sound of his breathing as he struggled for control.

‘Can you feel me?’ His voice husky, he drew his mouth from hers just enough to speak. ‘You’re mine now, Jessie. No one else’s.’

She was about to say that she didn’t want to be anyone else’s but then he finally released his iron grip on her hips and allowed her the freedom she craved. The sinuous movement of her hips took him deeper still and her eyes drifted shut because it was no longer possible to think of anything except how he felt inside her. He was silk and steel, raw passion and elemental energy, but most of all he was her man.

The only man she’d ever wanted.

He drove deep inside her, his rhythm smooth and controlled, so skilled that she might have thought he was detached about it if she hadn’t opened her eyes to look at him. One glimpse of his taut features revealed how much it was costing him to hold back and she kissed him hungrily, her tongue seeking his.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance