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‘Well, I’m glad you didn’t waste your time.’ She pulled herself together with a huge effort and managed a cool smile. ‘I can tell you now that it wouldn’t have fitted me, Mr Matthews. You’ve got the wrong woman.’

‘We’ll see about that, won’t we?’ His low drawl was intensely masculine and she struggled to control her breathing as he moved closer. Why did he affect her like this? Why?

‘You’re telling me you found a glass slipper?’

He shook his head slowly, the expression in his eyes making her breath jam in her throat. ‘I never looked. I had a much more reliable method of identification up my sleeve.’

His firm mouth hovered tantalisingly close to hers, but before he could move there was a sharp rap on the door and Jed sighed and released her reluctantly, his expression one of mild irritation as he strolled over to the door.

‘Yes? Oh, Gill, come in.’ He stood to one side as the unit sister walked into his office. ‘What can I do for you?’

How could he be so calm and self-contained? Brooke was a nervous wreck and certainly couldn’t bring herself to look at her superior. Jed, on the other hand, didn’t seem remotely uncomfortable, listening carefully as Gill outlined a problem with one of the patients.

He offered no explanation for Brooke’s presence in his office, probably because he knew he wouldn’t be questioned, Brooke thought bitterly as she took the chance to slip away, her heart still thumping wildly. Who would question a man like Jed? And it wasn’t just because he was the consultant.

Battling for control, she leaned against the wall for a moment, her eyes closed, still seeing the look in his eyes as he’d bent his head towards her.

He’d been about to kiss her. Dear God, if Gill hadn’t turned up when she had—

‘Are you OK?’ Suzie passed her in the corridor and paused. ‘You look stunned by something.’

That was an understatement. ‘I’m fine.’

‘So, what was it like, working with the heartthrob?’

‘Heartthrob?’ She frowned and Suzie laughed.

‘Oh, come on, Brookie! Even you can’t be immune to his charms. He’s stunning.’

She wasn’t immune to his charms, that was the problem. And she never had been.

‘If you mean Jed, he’s not my type,’ she muttered, walking along the corridor to the admissions suite to check on Jane Duncan.

‘Not your type?’ Suzie stared at her and then smiled slowly. ‘Oh, right. Sure. You’re one of those women who hate stunningly handsome, rich, successful men—I’ve read about them, but I’ve never actually believed they existed until now.’

Brooke gritted her teeth. ‘Just leave it, Suzie—’

Suzie opened her mouth and shut it again, her kind eyes suddenly puzzled. ‘OK. Sorry.’

‘No.’ Brooke took a deep breath and gave her friend an apologetic smile. ‘I’m the one who should be saying sorry. You’re so good to me and I’m a cross-patch. It’s just that I’m having a really lousy day.’

Suzie glanced up the corridor and gave her a quick hug. ‘What you need is a rich, handsome man who will write a huge cheque and solve all your problems.’

With that she darted off towards one of the delivery rooms, leaving Brooke staring after her.

‘No, Suzie,’ she murmured softly, tears pricking her dark eyes, ‘that is the last thing I need.’

* * *

‘Well, that looks fine, Jane.’ Jed ran his eye carefully over the trace Brooke had handed to him. ‘You’re not in labour at the moment and there’s no point in us keeping you in if the pains have gone.’

‘I feel OK now,’ Jane admitted. ‘What if it happens again?’

‘If they’re as bad as before then you’d better come straight back.’ Jed picked up the notes and tucked them under his arm. ‘But let’s cross our fingers, shall we?’

Aware that his eyes were on her, Brooke gave him a wary glance and then wished she hadn’t. The message in his intense blue gaze was clear enough. He hadn’t finished their conversation. She quickly busied herself helping Jane gather her things together, not relaxing until she heard him leave the room.

‘He’s gorgeous!’ Jane drooled, chattering away as she pulled on her coat. ‘Incredibly good-looking. Is he married?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance