Page 17 of The Midwife's Child

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‘I don’t know what to think, Jed.’ She shook her head slowly and pushed at his hard chest. ‘Let me go. Please?’

He released her immediately but didn’t move away, his powerful body still tantalisingly close to hers.

Brooke forced herself to accept the inevitable. This man wasn’t going anywhere until they’d had a conversation. Her lips still tingling from his kiss, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

‘Do you want a drink? I’ve got lager or white wine.’ Her tone was sharper than she’d intended but he didn’t react.

‘Lager is great.’ He shifted one of her kitchen chairs and straddled it, his keen blue eyes watching her every move. ‘So, are you still pretending you don’t know me?’

What was the point? She gave a sigh and shook her head, before delving into her fridge and pulling out a can of lager and handing it to him.

‘Do you want a glass?’

‘No, thanks.’ His eyes searched hers as he opened the can. ‘Was it a shock, seeing me again?’

‘Are you kidding?’ She made a valiant attempt at humour. ‘After the heating, the roof and the car? Nothing shocks me any more.’

‘But you didn’t want to see me again, did you?’ His voice was suddenly soft. ‘Or you wouldn’t have left while I was still asleep.’

She coloured furiously and turned away, picking up the kettle and filling it. ‘I don’t want to talk about it, Jed. I’ve admitted it was me. Now let’s leave it at that.’

‘No way. Tell me you don’t think about it.’ His voice was husky and teased her senses. ‘Tell me you never think about that night.’

‘Jed, stop it!’ The kettle clattered onto the side and she covered her ears, trying not to listen to him, but he refused to let her hide from him.

‘Tell me you don’t lie awake at night, remembering what it was like between us.’

Suddenly he was standing right behind her, his warm breath teasing the back of her neck as he pulled her hands away from her ears. ‘We couldn’t stop, Brooke, do you remember that? It was like a fever, a desperation—’

‘No!’ She interrupted him frantically, shaking her head and denying everything he was saying. ‘No! Just drop it, Jed!’

‘Not on your life. I’ve waited for six years to find out why you ran off that night.’

There was a long silence while she tried to control her breathing. ‘I didn’t run. I just left. It was morning.’

‘And I was still asleep,’ he pointed out gently, his strong fingers holding her shoulders.

‘Why shouldn’t I leave?’ Her small chin lifted defensively. ‘It was just a fling, Jed—a one-night stand. People don’t hang around to talk about sweet nothings.’

‘Don’t they?’ A muscle worked in his cheek and his eyes narrowed. ‘And how would you know, Brooke? How many one-night stands have you had in your life?’

She closed her eyes and shook her head, her dark hair escaping from the pins that held it in place. ‘Just leave me alone. Please.’

‘No way.’ He shook his head and stood directly in front of her, so close that she could fee

l the warmth of his body brushing hers. ‘I’m not leaving you alone now. Look at me!’

She ignored his gentle command and stiffened as she felt him slide strong hands up her arms.

‘Dammit, Brooke, will you look at me?’ He cupped her face and forced her to look at him. ‘I can’t believe I’ve found you again after so long, and if you think I’m going to waste time playing games then you’ve got another think coming.’

Every sense in her body was in turmoil as she struggled with her feelings. ‘Jed, I don’t want this—’

‘I don’t believe you,’ he said succinctly. ‘I realise that something is holding you back and I’m waiting very patiently for you to tell me what. You’ve told me you’re not married. Are you involved with someone? Is that it?’

Her breathing was uneven and she lifted her chin, her eyes suddenly angry. ‘You’re so arrogant, do you know that?!’ Her eyes blazed into his, her breathing so rapid she was virtually panting. ‘Just because I’m probably the first woman who’s ever left your bed before you were ready, you assume that there must have been a complicated reason. Maybe I just didn’t like you enough. Have you thought of that?’

‘No, I haven’t.’ Far from seeming offended by her words, he looked almost amused.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance