Page 56 of Summer Fling

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‘She’s in the café by the window eating a massive triple chocolate fudge ice cream with extra chocolate flakes. She made me promise not to tell anyone because she says it’s pretty hard to lecture people on eating a healthy diet when you’re seen in public stuffing yourself with rubbish.’ He frowned. ‘Actually, she might not have actually said “stuffing yourself”, but I think that’s what she meant.’

‘Disgraceful behaviour for a practice nurse.’ Evanna’s eyes sparkled with laughter. ‘I’ll go and tell her off, shall I?’

‘Yeah. The ice cream looked good, though, and it’s the only thing that really works in this heat. Bye, Nurse Duncan. See you around.’

‘Bye, boys. Be careful, now.’

She was still smiling when she pushed open the door of the café and joined her friend at the large round table by the window. It had a view of the harbour and was a perfect place from which to observe the various comings and goings of Glenmore Island. ‘You know, if you’re going to eat that artery-clogging gloop you should at least do it behind a newspaper or at a table around the back. Eating it in the window is just asking for trouble. I’ve just heard all about it from Fraser.’

‘You’re late.’ Kyla dropped the spoon and stood up to give her a quick hug. ‘You saw Fraser? He’s a cheeky monkey. With most of the summer holidays still ahead of us, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re pulling him out of another hole soon. It’s so good to have you back. We’ve missed you.’

‘You’ve been too busy being newly married to miss me.’ Evanna dropped her bag on the floor and pulled out a chair. ‘I still haven’t quite got over the speed with which you fell in love with our new doctor. You certainly didn’t hang around.’

Kyla settled back at the table and dug her spoon into the ice cream. ‘When something is right, it’s right. And Ethan is perfect.’ She waved the spoon. ‘At least marrying him meant that he’d stay on the island permanently. Logan is pleased to have another doctor at the surgery.’

‘Yes.’ Evanna struggled to keep her tone casual. ‘So, how is he? Logan is normally hideously busy at this time of year.’

Kyla considered the question. ‘OK, I think. I don’t know how he does it. It’s only just over a year since his wife died but he’s holding up really well. I just wish he’d talk about it more.’

Evanna thought of the conversations she’d had with him long into the night. He’d talked about it with her. ‘I suppose everyone handles things in their own way.’

‘Well, Logan always was tough and work keeps him going. That and having a thirteen-month-old daughter.’ Kyla leaned back in her chair and called across the café. ‘Aunt Meg, can we have another spoon here please? Evanna’s tongue is hanging into my ice cream.’

‘No, it isn’t.’ Evanna eyed the ice cream wistfully. ‘I’m not like you. Fat never gives you a second glance. If I even look at ice cream, I put on a kilo.’

‘That’s rubbish and if eating ice cream gave me your fantastic curves then I’d eat it for every meal. You look great in that red top. A bit like a flamenco dancer.’ She narrowed her eyes. ‘Sort of sexy and sultry. All dark hair and dark eyes. But you need to wear your hair loose to complete the effect.’

‘It’s too hot.’ Evanna ran a hand over the back of her neck. ‘And the only reason I’m looking sultry is because we’re in the middle of a heat wave. I’m boiling.’

‘Was it hot in the city?’

‘Unbelievable. I honestly don’t know how people can live their lives in a place like that. It’s all so—’ Evanna frowned as she searched for the word ‘—closed in. There’s no air. It’s like being in a forest of buildings and everyone is busy, busy, busy. There’s no room to breathe, whereas on Glenmore there’s just so much space.’ She shuddered at the memory and Kyla smiled.

‘So you didn’t enjoy yourself?’

‘I enjoyed the work. It was fantastic to be back on the labour ward. You know I loved my midwifery and I don’t exactly get the chance to practise much on Glenmore.’

‘What are you complaining about? It’s like a rabbit colony here.’ Kyla waved the spoon. ‘Both Sonia Davies and Marie Tanner are pregnant. And Lucy Finch’s baby is only four days old, so you’ll be visiting her for a while.’

‘I know.’ Evanna gave a soft smile. ‘I actually delivered Lucy in the labour ward on the mainland. It was amazing and, of course, it’s great that Sonia and Marie are pregnant. But it’s hardly enough to make up an entire workload.’

‘Well, Sandra King had a far-away look on her face this week and I know that she and Paul have been trying for ages, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s in the surgery soon. And we don’t just want you for your midwifery skills. This island needs two practice nurses. I know midwifery is your first love, but don’t even think about abandoning me!’

‘I wouldn’t leave you. I love it here and I love the variety.’ Evanna glanced out of the window and caught sight of Janet, the practice receptionist, who was walking past, carrying two bags of shopping. She smiled and waved.

‘But you love midwifery most of all. You’re totally soppy about babies.’ Kyla gave a wry smile. ‘Go on. Has working on the labour ward made you broody?’

Evanna felt a grey cloud drift across her happiness. ‘Of course not,’ she lied, turning back to Kyla with a smile. ‘How can I be broody when I don’t even have a boyfriend? You know I believe in doing things in the right order.’

‘You always were an old-fashioned girl.’ Kyla watched her for a moment and then looked up as her aunt approached. ‘Aunt Meg, Evanna needs feeding.’

Meg was a plump woman with a generous smile and a mass of curling blonde hair. ‘Good to have you home, Evanna.’ She wiped her hands on her apron and reached for a pad. ‘What can I get you? Same as Kyla?’

‘Just a coffee, thanks. Americano. Decaff, no milk.’

‘That’s all? I’ve a chocolate cake that’s enough to make a woman cry.’

Evanna ignored temptation. ‘Just coffee.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance