Page 115 of Summer Fling

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‘She’s planning to resign?’ Logan rose to his feet and Kyla folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes.

‘You’re pretending that you don’t know?’

‘Of course I didn’t know,’ he snapped, and then drew in a deep breath and forced himself to think. This was all his fault. He’d compromised her. He’d destroyed their friendship. If she was leaving, it was because of him. ‘It’s my fault, Kyla.’

‘Well, I know that. The whole thing is your fault.’

Logan frowned. She knew? Evanna had told her? It was true that Kyla and Evanna were close friends, but still. ‘I’m not in the habit of discussing my sex life with my sister.’

‘Your sex life? Why would I want to discuss your sex life?’ Kyla threw him an impatient glance. ‘I mean, it isn’t as if you—’ She broke off and stared at him. ‘What did you just say?’

‘I said that I’m not prepared to discuss my sex life with you.’

‘We were talking about Evanna.’


Kyla stared and then swallowed. ‘You had sex with Evanna? You—’

Logan’s gaze was icy. ‘I’ve already told you, I won’t discuss my sex life. If Evanna chose to confide in you, that’s up to her, but—’

‘She didn’t.’ Kyla sat down in the nearest chair and stared at the wall. ‘She didn’t, but now I see. You had sex? When?’


‘Just tell me!’ Kyla’s voice was a threatening growl. ‘For goodness’ sake, this is important. When?’

He let out a long breath. ‘The night of the barbecue.’

‘Saturday.’ Kyla gave a slow nod. ‘That explains everything.’

‘Does it?’

‘Of course it does. Sex changes everything. Up until the sex part she was perfectly able to live with the fact that she loved you and you didn’t love her back. But sex—sex for Evanna is extremely serious. Evanna doesn’t do casual relationships.’

‘I know that. I.’ He frowned at her, trying to decipher the strange conversation they were having. ‘Did you just say that she was able to live with the fact that she loved me, but I didn’t love her back?’

‘Yes. After both plan A and plan B failed, she decided to just give up and live with things as they are.’ Kyla’s tone was conversational and then she glanced up and saw the darkening expression on her brother’s face. ‘What?’

His tone was dangerously soft. ‘I’d like to hear the details of plan A and plan B.’

Kyla squirmed. ‘I probably shouldn’t—’

‘I’ll give you five seconds to start talking.’

Kyla sighed. ‘Oh, well, given that the whole thing is such a mess, I don’t see any harm in it.’

She was going to miss Glenmore Island so much.

Evanna sat on the cliffs and stared across the sea towards the mainland. It was a view she’d grown up with. A view she’d believed she’d grow old with.

She couldn’t imagine not seeing it on a daily basis as she drove to work. She couldn’t imagine not popping into Meg’s café for a coffee and a gossip. She couldn’t imagine not running along the cliffs, swimming in the sea and sharing barbecues in Logan’s garden with all their friends and family.

But she needed to build a new life and that was what she was going to do.

Somehow she’d struggled through her morning clinic, seeing patients on automatic, responding to their questions without even hearing her own answers. She’d intended to go straight into Logan’s room and tell him her plans but instead she’d found herself walking up here to the cliffs for one last look.

Her letter of resignation sat in her pocket like a lump of lead.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance