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“Are you always so confident about everything?”

“Not everything, but I’m confident about this. Admit it, we’ve had a connection since the first day our dogs met in the park. It’s the reason you keep coming back and the reason I keep coming back. Our dog-walking relationship has already lasted longer than some marriages.” His gaze was direct and searching and she stared into his eyes trying to formulate thoughts and words.

It was true that they had a connection. It was the reason she was sitting here now. She hadn’t felt this way about anyone in a long time. And last time had ended in heartbreak.

“The reason you’re interested is because I keep saying no.”

“Not true. You have a great sense of humor and I like talking to you. And then there’s the fact that now you know all my deep, innermost secrets so I have to neutralize you in some way before you do me damage.”

He made her laugh.

“Admit it, you’re competitive.”

“Maybe. A little. But I also find you interesting. And sexy. You have great legs and your butt looks good in running pants. And your dog is cute.”

“You find my dog attractive?”

“I find the way you love your dog attractive. So how about it? Instead of sitting out here and watching the sunrise every morning, how about we share a good bottle of wine and watch the sun set for a change?”

She could imagine him in court, a formidable opponent with an answer to everything. He’d use a lethal cocktail of charm and verbal acuity to get the response he wanted. He’d find the weakness and use it. “I love sunrise.”

He watched the sun bounce across the tops of the trees and spotlight the skyscrapers that framed the park. “I love it, too, but it would be nice to spend time with you without the whole of Manhattan jogging past.”

“I bet you’re the type who hates losing.”

“I don’t know. I’ve never lost. But if I ever do, I’ll let you know how it feels.” The conversation was light, but she was conscious that underneath the banter was an undercurrent of delicious tension.

She was trying to work out how to respond when it started to rain, a light patter that chilled her skin.

Daniel cursed softly and rose to his feet. “If we move fast we can shelter under those trees.”

“Shelter? It’s only a few spots. Don’t be a wimp.”

There was a dangerous gleam in his eyes. “Are you calling me a wimp?”

“Yes, but don’t worry. It’s good to know you have a weakness.” The rain grew heavier and huge drops thundered down, soaking everything they touched.

“You’re right. We should shelter.” She called Valentine and ran, her feet splashing through newly formed puddles, the rain soaking through the thin fabric of her shirt and flattening her hair to her head.

Valentine barked, excited and fired up by the new urgency and Brutus followed, the two dogs side by side as they made for the shelter of the trees.

She dived through the long, pendulous branches of a weeping willow, feeling the leaves brush her face and her arms. She knew Daniel was behind her. She could hear the heavier thud of his running shoes on the ground and awareness chased across her skin, the feeling so intense it was like pressure. He could catch her easily, and when he did—

She stopped under the tree, unsettled by the explicit nature of her own thoughts.

It had been a while since she’d been interested enough to risk getting involved with someone. The last three years had been spent focusing on rebuilding her life, and sex hadn’t been part of that.

She turned and met his gaze.

She told herself it was sprinting that made her chest tight and her breathing rapid, but she knew she was lying to herself. It was him. This man with the wicked eyes and the slow, dangerous smile. This man who made her feel a million things she never wanted to feel, all of which terrified her.

Did he know? If so he was a sadist because he gave her no breathing room, no space in which to gather herself.

Instead he stopped right in front of her, so close she was forced to take a step back or touch him.

She felt the rough bark of the tree press against her back and knew there were no more steps back to take. From here it was stand still or move forward.

“What are you doing?”

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance