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It didn’t take much effort to glance down and see he wasn’t lying. As far as the rest of their conversation? She wasn’t going there. “So why won’t you just finish the job?”

“And people accuse me of being unromantic. Shit.”

“Is it loyalty to Tris? Did what you—what we did last night count as cheating or something? Are you a couple now?” The questions spilled out of her, stopping only when he eased back and tucked her hair behind her ears.

“We’re not a couple. What we do is just about letting off steam.”

“That’s not true. That’s not what I saw.”

For the first time, he looked away. “It is what it is. We’re not committed to each other, Cait.”

“What do you call it?”

“We still sleep with women, still have girlfriends. And when we do, we’re not together. Neither of us are cheaters.”

“And neither of you want to make what you have permanent.”

His silence gnawed at her, making her jerk away from him and to her feet. “Think I’ll go get some work done.”

He nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.”

She’d taken a few steps when he spoke again, his voice soft and raw. “Cait.”

Trepidation iced her spine. “What?”

“What about both of us?”

“What about both of you what?” She knew she sounded impatient, but she’d grown tired of this conversation. A full day of work waited for her, and she didn’t want to think about any of this anymore.

Not right now. She was getting a headache.

Matt rose fluidly, not the least bit ill at ease about his nudity. Why should he be? The guy was sexy as hell.

She swallowed hard when he strolled over and tipped up her chin. “You said you wanted it to be one of us who took your virginity. So what if it were both of us?”

“Uh, you can’t lose your virginity twice.”

“You think?” He licked the inside of his lower lip, and her nipples pushed against her bra. “I think you should let us prove otherwise. Let both of us make love to you. Together.”

Cait opened her mouth to answer. She really did. But no words came.

How could he ask that of her? That kind of thing was fine for others, but not for her. She wasn’t the threesome type.

She was almost sure.

Especially not the first time she had sex.

They were her best friends. She wasn’t a juicy piece of chicken they could split up at dinner. It was flat-out wrong.

More wrong than asking them which wanted to be the one to take your virginity?

Her belly quivered, everything south heating so fast that she feared embarrassing herself if she didn’t get out of there. She might just agree to anything he asked.

Especially since she’d already considered it, throughout the long night when she’d twisted and turned in her bed and remembered Matt and Tris together. She’d tried to stop picturing herself with them, but it was impossible. Her mind insisted on inserting her into every explicit scene she conjured up, each more torrid than the last.

Matt leaned in and kissed her lightly. Though his lips scarcely brushed hers, her core contracted as if he’d sucked her nipple into his mouth. “Think about it.”

Then he turned around, whistling, and headed off to the shower.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Afternoon Delight Romance