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I shivered.

I remembered when it happened. His impatient hands on me had driven me crazy. I’d never had a guy that wild to get into my pants. Or lack of pants. To rip at my tie to get closer to my skin—well, that would live with me for a long time.

Good thing, because this definitely couldn’t happen again.

I shrugged into my jacket. My hair was beyond help at this point. So that was what sex hair looked like. My finger in a socket. Wonderful.


“Yeah, coming.” I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets and met August in the moonlit room. He’d cleaned up our wreckage. Funny how it was just a high-end mattress in the middle of a pile of sawdust when it had felt like so much more.

He moved in front of me, smoothing his hands along my arms. “You okay?”

“Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?” I was glad he couldn’t see my face or the fact that I was freaking out. How many times had I done this sort of thing?

Oh, right. Never.

The rare handful of guys I’d been with in my life were always after careful consideration and perfectly pleasant sex. It hadn’t been boring or anything, but it was never like…that.

I couldn’t even look at that mattress.

“Let’s get back to the wedding before someone comes looking for us.”

I tried to move around him, but he caught my arm. “Kin?”

I stared at the floor. I could barely see anything, and I hoped to the goddess that was the same for him.

“No regrets?”

“No,” I whispered.

“I don’t believe you.”

I forced my voice to even out. “It was just…intense.”

“I can work with intense. And repeat it.”

“I’m sure you could.”

“Would it be so wrong?”

My phone started ringing again. Ivy. Like I needed a reminder of my epic stupidity. “That’s your sister.”

“Who cares?”

“I care.” Finally, I stared up at him. His eyes were barely a gleam in the room, but his scent and warmth were right there, overwhelming me. I wanted to lean into it. Into him. I couldn’t remember wanting anything more in my life.

I pulled away. “We’ve got to get back before a search party comes looking for us.”

He sighed and let my arm free.

The trip down the stairs was decidedly less exciting this time. Now it seemed full of debris and hazards that should have stopped us.

Before I could try to climb over the stack of lumber, August was behind me. “Careful.”

His breath caressed my ear as he lifted me over and gently lowered me down two stairs before hooking one of his long legs over it all and meeting me at the bottom of the stairs.

I blasted through the door and had never been so happy for the brisk wind coming off the water, whipping down the alleyway. A good ol’ slap of reality.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance