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We weren’t waiting long, shockin

gly enough, although it seemed as if half the people waiting were entranced by Lily. Lily, however, only cared about the big foam blocks on the floor.

When Dr. Ellis’s nurse ushered us into her office, Lily was still clutching a block with the letter F that she refused to release. I’d tried to pry it away twice, only for her to howl as if I was trying to murder her.

Kids were cute. And terrifying.

“Hi, Hannah. Good to see you. And Asher Wainwright, it’s a pleasure to finally formally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” Dr. Ellis smiled as she and Hannah exchanged a look that I didn’t understand.

“You have?” We shook hands and I glanced at Hannah. “What has she been saying about me?”

“Just that you double bagged the night you knocked me up.”

“What? I did not.” I frowned, thinking back. “No. I didn’t. But the condoms were probably pretty ancient. Sorry about that.”

“Now he tells me.” Hannah sighed and set down Lily on the children’s mat on the floor to play with her block.

Dr. Ellis laughed and leaned against her desk. “Happy accidents happen all the time in my line of work.” She cocked her head at Hannah. “Your mood has changed since our last appointment.”

Hannah rose from her crouch beside Lily. “I’ve had some time to sit with the idea.”

“Yes, you have. And you seem to have a supportive partner. Am I correct, Asher?”

I didn’t know if all doctors got this personal, but I had a feeling Hannah and Dr. Ellis had a different dynamic than the usual doctor/patient relationship.

“Yes. Since we’ve kicked things off with a bang already, I’ve brought some questions. I have a book, but I haven’t covered everything yet.” I pulled the folded piece of paper I’d ripped out of my Day-Timer from my jacket pocket. “How long can we safely have intercourse?”

“You did not just ask that,” Hannah muttered. “And I can answer that for her—that time has already passed. The door is locked on you now.”

“I didn’t mean how late, although that’s a good question too. I meant actual duration.”

Hannah shook her head and took the seat beside me. “If you weren’t wearing those glasses, there’s a good chance I might walk right out of this office.”

Dr. Ellis laughed. “It’s a good question to ask. As far as how late, some women find sexual intercourse to be helpful in stimulating a natural birth, especially if it ends in an orgasm. As long as the woman is comfortable and healthy in other ways, we don’t really put a date on when to stop. As for the other,” she winked and Hannah shut her eyes, “that’s entirely up to personal preference.”

Hannah didn’t say a lot through the whole visit, although she did ask a few pertinent questions about what she should be eating and not eating and different milestones. But I was far more vocal, especially when I learned she’d actually lost three pounds since her last visit instead of gaining.

“We’re getting a steak dinner after we leave here,” I informed her. “One you didn’t make, no matter how delicious your cooking is.”

Hannah sighed and slipped her shoes back on. “I think stress burns calories, because I’m definitely eating plenty.”

“Eating for two is a different animal, but some women don’t gain much at all. I wouldn’t worry. You’re doing everything right.” Dr. Ellis smiled at Hannah. “You’re in great health, Hannah, and once we do the sonogram in about five weeks or so, you’ll be able to see your baby.”

“Including the gender?”

Hannah immediately shook her head. “I want to wait. It should be a surprise.”

“For the whole nine months? That’s a long time.”

“You’ve already covered the first three,” Dr. Ellis reminded me.

I released a slow breath. “Good point. That’s still far too long.”

“We’ll discuss it.” But Hannah sounded about as flexible as she did when I gave her business ideas. Although she was getting a bit more open-minded there.

As for the gender reveal timing, we’d just see about that. I had an ace up my sleeve.

On the way home, I made an unexpected detour. Lily was fussing in the back, so I decided to show my own flexibility by stopping at the McDonald’s drive thru and getting a soft serve vanilla cone for Lily and a Big Mac for Hannah. She rolled her eyes, but she ate it, licking the special sauce off her fingers in a way that was far hotter than it should have been.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance