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I knocked again. “Kelsey? Are you okay?”

I finally chanced turning the doorknob and tentatively stepped inside. “Kel—” The question died on my tongue as I saw Kelsey sitting cross-legged on the counter with a pair of air pods in and her phone in her lap.

What the heck?

Kelsey glanced up and nearly slipped off the counter. “Oh, God. Oh, crap. I took too long. How long was I gone? Oh, fuck.” She slid off the counter and tucked her headphones and phone into her big purse. “Where’s Sean? I didn’t even leave you his diaper bag. I’m such a failure. Jesus.”

Her eyes welled up and I rushed forward, unwilling to face another crying Kramer woman this afternoon.

It was bad enough I’d cried myself, and that so wasn’t my thing. Usually. Must’ve been all the hormones in the air or something.

Or bitter reality crushing you like a hundred-pound anvil.

Yeah, whichever.

I gripped Kelsey’s shoulders and lightly shook her. “Your husband is here and he has Sean. And your sister is in labor, and the truck’s waiting outside, and you better hurry if you want to ride with them.”

“What? The baby? Oh. God, she said her back hurt. I knew it’d be soon, but you know Rylee can be a little temperamental.” Kelsey fisted both hands in her flame-red hair. “I have to be supportive. I can’t be a frazzled crazy lady who hides in café bathrooms to listen to dirty audiobooks so I feel like I have a semblance of my life back. I can’t listen at home, because what if I miss Sean’s cries—”

“Kelsey. Your sister. In labor. All the rest can wait.”

“Right. Right. You’re so wise. Thank you. I’ll go now. Thanks for watching my baby. If it turns out I’m incompetent at raising him, maybe you’d want to adopt him? His farts are horribly stinky, but he smells really good after a bath—” She waved a hand at her flushed face. “Okay, I’m going now. I can do this. I can do all of this, right?”

I gave her a wide supportive smile. “You absolutely can do all of this. Go be a supportive big sister to Rylee and help her have that beautiful baby.”

“I will. I so will. Thank you so much, Vee.” She gave me a quick hug and rushed out the bathroom door.

I let out a long breath and stepped out to find Murphy waiting for me, leaning against the wall. He straightened immediately. “Everything okay? I saw Kelsey run for the hills.”

“Yeah, she’s fine. Just a frazzled new mom.” I took his arm, squeezing it gratefully. “Since I think they have plenty of people with them at the hospital, want to go on that date now?”

“Absolutely.” He grinned. “I think we both could use a drink.”

“Or seven,” I agreed.



Cabin Fortress: Does texting you while you’re in the bathroom with Kelsey show I’m whipped already?

Vee: Nah. It shows you’re sexy AF.

Cabin Fortress: …

Vee: *giggle*

Murphy didn’t tell me where we were going for dinner. I was hoping for the Sherman Inn, just because it was super fabulous and a girl with a baker/barista’s salary didn’t get to eat at swanky places like that too often. My usual dates didn’t often visit establishments like that either. Typically, we’d hit some chain restaurant at best or McDonald’s after the movies at worst.

I didn’t mind. I didn’t have fancy tastes, and besides, I could make a lot of things I enjoyed myself despite being more skilled at baking than cooking.

So, I should’ve been excited when Murphy pulled up down the street from The Hummingbird’s Nest. The bed and breakfast had a lovely restaurant, or so I’d been told. I’d never eaten there.

“This is the surprise?” I tried to sound enthusiastic as Murphy turned off the car.

“Yes. Sage moved our reservations back a few minutes due to the baby hijinks. She’ll be heading to the hospital soon.”

“Oh, good.” I cleared my throat. The green-eyed monster inside me that reared up every time I heard Sage’s name in relation to Murphy could leave anytime now, thanks. “I mean, what a shame we won’t be seeing her.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance