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“Hey, eighteen-year-old Rylee probably had amazing legs. They’re damn fine now.”

I laughed. “Ass.”

He leaned forward and kissed me around the laugh I couldn’t stop.

“So, I lived with my parents for years after that.”

“Did you go see someone? A specialist? Like those sleep studies they do for people. I think my friend’s dad had to do an overnight stay for something.”


He shrugged. “Maybe.”

“I did one when I was younger. It was awful.” Being hooked up to machines and trying to sleep. It had been a nightmare. “I just dealt with it.”

He frowned. “Just like that?”

“It took a few years. My dad jerry-rigged a sensor on the door. But I usually got around it. I’m some sort of Houdini when I’m asleep.”

“Ah. That makes sense. Macy wouldn’t say anything about why she knew.”

My eyes stung again. “She’s a really good friend.” I cleared my throat and dabbed at my eyes. Crying wasn’t going to help. “I hadn’t been sleepwalking for a long time. I never could find a job I loved, but I saved because my mom and dad wouldn’t let me pay rent. And I got the job here. I thought it was time to grow up, you know? Go out on my own.”

“And your doctor never told you why you did it?”

I dashed away the last of my stupid tears. “They never had a definitive answer. Hormones, just luck of the draw.”

He lifted a hand to cup my face. “Well, pregnancy might cover it.”

I laughed. “Ya think?”

“Maybe we can ask the baby doctor? You can’t be the only one this has ever happened to.” He dropped his hand to my middle. “And we have a little more to worry about now than just embarrassing you with some peanut butter. What if you fell down the stairs? Or worse, went out the front door?”

I dipped my head. “I know. I have my cup trick.”

“Cup trick?”

“Yeah. I try to set little booby traps for myself. That’s the Houdini thing I was talking about. Somehow since I’m the one who did the trap…”

“Your subconscious knows how to get around it.”

It sounded insane to say it out loud. “Still don’t think I’m a freak?”

“I think you’re a fucking genius, even in your sleep.”

“Genius felon, if you ask Macy.”

“Tell you what. I’ll set the trap tonight, huh?”

I sat back and slid off his lap. “Really?”

“Yeah. I used to be really good at doing some stealthy shit against Dare. Did you know Legos hurt like a bitch if you step on them?”

I laughed. “Um, no. Me and Kelsey were more into Barbies and drawing paper.”

“Well, if you step on those suckers in your sleep, you’re definitely waking up.”


Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance