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“Quick, while they’re talking to Graely, or we won’t have time before the attack.”

Kaevin leaned down to press his mouth against hers. In addition to feeling her headache ease, she felt a warm tingle in her stomach. When he started to draw away, she pulled him back for a little more. He grinned around their joined lips.

“So, you like this?” he teased, before returning her kiss with a bit more fervor.

“It’s awful.” She breathed the words into his mouth. “But I’ll tolerate it for the sake of my head.” She thought he was the most handsome boy she’d ever seen. She couldn’t believe he liked kissing her as much as she liked kissing him.

“Ahem.” Graely cleared his throat, having evidently finished his explanation. Raelene looked unhappy, but her expression was pleasant compared to her uncle’s.

“Alora, I thought you said you two weren’t dating. We have a clear rule—you’re not to date a boy more than one year older. We’ve already established Kaevin is seventeen.”

“Father, can’t you tell them?” asked Kaevin. “They won’t believe us.”

Graely put a hand on Charles’ shoulder. “I don’t like it any more than you do, but we have some pretty strong evidence they really are soulmates.”

Raelene shook her head, but Graely interrupted. “I know, Raelene. I didn’t believe it was possible, either. But talk to Nordamen. He’s convinced by what he observed.”

“They’re too young,” said Charles. “She’s only fifteen. Can’t this soulmate thing be reversed somehow?”

“That’s my preference, as well,” Graely agreed. “But for now, until we’ve dealt with Vindrake, we have no other options.”

“I thought they just had to hold hands,” Charles muttered, his brows pushing into a scowl.

“When Alora uses her gift, it draws strength from both of them. Kissing appears to replenish the stores more quickly than holding hands.”

“If it’s truly a soulmate bond, that could be true.” Raelene agreed, but Alora felt her disapproving glare.

“Please, can we argue about this later?” asked Alora. “I need to get some advice from Grandmother about how to aid in the battle.”

“Kaevin and I need to take our places, as well. Charles, we will have a discussion when this is over, if all goes well.” Graely’s eyes flashed across the canyon wall where the warriors were settling in preparation for the anticipated attack.

“Alora, I’ve been waiting for you up in the cleft. Are you coming?” At the sound of Beth’s voice, Alora saw her Uncle turn. No time to warn her.

“Uhmm, I’m coming, Beth. But …”

Beth tugged on Graely’s elbow. “Let me check your shoulder before you go. I’ve got your morning dose of antibiotics. Do you need some more pain medicine?”

“I’d appreciate some more of your magick circles,” said Graely. “They do seem to help a bit with the ache. I am fortunate the knife lodged in my left shoulder. I can’t use a bow, but I can still handle a sword and throw a knife.”

“Beth,” said Charles, “I see you’re busy playing nurse here, while your mother is worried out of her mind.”

“Oh!” Two bright red patches bloomed on Beth’s cheeks as her eyes fell on Charles and Raelene. “Hi, Mr. Whitford. I didn’t know you were here. I didn’t realize Mom even knew I was gone.”

“We knew you’d lied to us when Alora transported Willow, and we spoke with your mother,” Raelene clarified. “How do you intend to explain this to her?”

“I don’t know. She’s probably going to kill me, but I can’t worry about it right now.” She dug in her bag and handed several pills to Graely. He swallowed them without a drink and grabbed Kaevin, pulling him away from Alora and guiding him to their designated place on the canyon wall.

“I suppose Wesley is here as well?” Charles asked Alora with obvious irritation.

“Yes, sir. He’s way up there. He brought two compound bows with him. But please, Uncle Charles, can we discuss my punishment later? After the battle?”

“I don’t see why you can’t go back to Montana where it’s safe. And take Beth and Wesley with you.” Charles’ face was red, and he spoke between gritted teeth.

“But it’s my responsibility,” she said firmly. “My father’s men already kidnapped Jireo’s sister because they thought she was me. He won’t stop until he’s defeated. I can’t leave them here to die when I have the ability to help.”

Raelene put a hand on both their arms. “I suggest we all go to the high cleft immediately. We would not wish to be standing out in the open, arguing, when the Water Clan warriors arrive.”

Alora gave Raelene a grateful glance as they all followed Beth, climbing up to the protective overhang. Upon reaching safety, Charles looked ready to begin his argument with Alora again, but Raelene cornered her first. “Alora, I need to ask you some questions.”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy