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“What’s dating?”

Wesley felt his face getting progressively redder. “Do you like some other guy?” Why did he even ask? She probably wasn’t interested anyway.

“Oh!” Arista’s cheeks flushed. “Oh, uhmm. No. Well, I’m too young to marry. So, I don’t like anyone.”

“Jeez! I wasn’t talking about getting married! Don’t you have some kind of in-between thing, where you just kind of spend time with a guy?”

“Well, not really. We don’t believe in getting married until we’re a lot older, so they don’t want us to spend a lot of time with boys while we’re young.” She leaned in to whisper, as if there were someone nearby who might be eavesdropping. “But you and I have been spending time together, and no one has objected so far. Of course, my parents are going to be really mad when I get home anyway.”

“Well, I was kind of hoping for more than that. But I have to go home soon, so I guess it doesn’t really matter.”

“You have to leave?”

“Yeah. My parents don’t even know I’m here. I just thought it would be a one-time thing, coming here to help Kaevin. But... well... if I thought I could see you again, I might try to come back.”

“I hope you come back. We could see each other.”

“We could?” His chest constricted with hope.

“And I can show you how to make your own bow.”

“Oh … uhmm … I guess that would be cool.”


“Sure. I mean, I like archery and all. But really, you might not want to be seen with me. You probably don’t like my short hair and blue eyes.”

“I like your eyes; they don’t look evil blue, like Water Clan. They’re a pretty sky color. And I like your short hair, too. It makes you look mysterious.”

No girl had ever called him mysterious before. Maybe she might like him after all. “Really? So you wouldn’t mind if I came back to visit?”

“It would be great if you came back to Laegenshire. You could stay at our house, and it would be just like I had another brother. Except you don’t order

me around like Jireo.” Her face lit up with a dazzling smile.

“Great.” He couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of his voice. “I always wanted a sister.”


“I’m glad you finally decided to bring me here,” said Raelene. “We’ve been holding hands for quite some time, just in case I was transported. But you need to know you should avoid transporting people to you from afar at this stage of your training. Remember, I told you mistakes are common before you have experience. You could have sent me somewhere dangerous by accident with an errant thought. Nonetheless, I’m glad you’ve brought me to you.”

Alora’s stomach churned with acid as she tried to avoid her uncle’s gaze.

“I think I may be in shock,” said Charles. “I can’t believe that just happened.” His eyes narrowed. “Alora. Kaevin. I think you have a bit of explaining to do.”

“I take full responsibility. I should have insisted I come here alone.” Kaevin stepped in front of her.

“No.” She pushed him aside. “If I hadn’t come, you might not have saved Arista from that kidnapper. She said he was getting ready to kick her in the head when I transported her.” She turned back to her grandmother. “We felt it was the right thing to do at the time, and I admit we should have asked permission. But please, can we can talk about it later? Right now, I need your direction so I can help with the fight against my father’s men.”

“Raelene!” Graely called as he bounded toward them. “I’m so glad you’ve come, and just in time. We expect the attack to begin at any time, although we cannot be certain. And who might this be? Another blue-eyed man who isn’t Water Clan, I assume?”

“Graely, this is Charles, Alora’s uncle. And what’s this I hear about an imminent attack?”

While Graely explained to Raelene the events of the previous days and the expected attack by Vindrake’s men, Alora pulled Kaevin to the side.

“Kaevin, my head hurts already. I think it takes more out of me to move someone from Montana. It must be a really long way off. Can we do the kissing thing?”

“I agree. Mine is already aching a little. But what about your uncle and grandmother?”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy