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“Okay,” she said, taking a deep breath. “Fire away.”

Raelene looked confused at her response, but smiled and led her to sit beside her on a rock. “Describe what you’ve done. What transports have you accomplished?”

“Well, I brought all four of us here.”

“How did you accomplish those transports? Did Kaevin transport with you each time?”

“No, I brought all four of us at once, and I had to let Kaevin lead us to Jireo because I didn’t know what he looked like.”

“You transported all four of you? And you transported to someone you’d never met? To a place you’d never been? You didn’t go to Laegenshire?”

“No. We went straight to Jireo. And then Kaevin imagined Arista in his mind while I held his hand, and we fetched her back to camp, away from the kidnappers.”

Raelene frowned. “Just Arista? Not the man who was holding her?”

“She was running away from him at the time. In fact, I think he’d just caught up with her.” She was suddenly embarrassed. “But I didn’t hear the report at first, because I accidentally transported Kaevin and me back to the dance hall in Montana. And when I brought us back, we both kind of passed out.”

Raelene’s eyebrows furrowed. “I see. And how did you recover?”

“Beth put our hands together, and then when we woke up... well, Kaevin woke up first, and Beth told him to try... uhmm...” Alora’s face felt hot. “She told him to kiss me.”

“I see.” Raelene’s face was unreadable. “And what other transports have you done?”

“Well, I kind of brought Willow here by accident. And that one gave Kaevin and me both a headache. But at the time, we didn’t realize that’s what was happening. And then I went to Laegenshire and back four times and brought back more fighters, three at a time. But the last time, I brought back four, and that’s when we both passed out again.”

“You brought back four men at one time?”

“No, actually, it was three men and one woman.”

Raelene was quiet for a moment. “It must be true. No bearer could do what you’ve done, even with your powerful wander-jewel. The only way you could do these things is if you were soulmated. That’s the only thing that could enhance your gift to such an extent.” She stood up and began to pace. “Only you’re too young.”

“But it’s true!” Alora declared. “I know you think we’re too young—”

“No, I believe you. I believe you and Kaevin are soulmates, now. I simply don’t understand why it happened when you’re so young. It’s not good. It’s too difficult to maintain. You could both die so easily.”

“Oh, I don’t think we’re going to die or anything. We’ve just gotten headaches and passed out. There hasn’t been any lasting damage.”

“Alora!” Raelene’s tone was sharp. “Please don’t take this lightly. Do you know what would have happened if someone hadn’t been around to move you back together when you passed out? Do you realize what would’ve happened if you’d passed out in Laeg

enshire instead of after you’d returned to the camp?”

She felt the blood drain from her face. It really hadn’t seemed that dangerous at the time.

“That’s the problem with your age. When you’re young you feel invincible. You don’t realize the reality of death. Kaevin, perhaps, has seen enough death and danger to take it seriously, despite his youth.”

“Okay, okay! I get it. It’s serious. It’s dangerous. I’ll be careful. But I still need your help.”

“I’m not convinced of Graely’s wisdom in letting the two of you separate during a battle.”

“Well, I figure I can always bring Kaevin to me if I start to feel weak or dizzy or get a headache.”

“You’ve never moved anyone away from you. It’s much more difficult, but it could be useful. Moving objects would be extremely helpful, but I know we haven’t the time to master that.”

“Let’s work on the first one,” she agreed. “Then I could fetch Kaevin if I need him, and send him back.”

“You can practice with me,” said Raelene. She stepped a few feet away. “First, move me toward you, and then try to move me back.”

She quickly moved Raelene to her. But when she tried to move her back, nothing happened.

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy