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Abaddon hurried to appease his obvious impatience. “While some of us have gifts that will aid us in the attack, others could fight as well if they were giftless.”

“And your point is?”

“If half of our men had green eyes and no visible bondmark, the confusion in the midst of the battle would make a capture easy to achieve. Rather than wearing an iron belt, these men could strap a belt to the horse, ready to lock around a prisoner. As soon as we take a prisoner and belt them in iron, we can retreat, before the Stone Clan warriors realize what has happened.”

“So you want some of our men to be masked with your potion?” Vindrake’s lips lifted on the corners, and his nostrils flared. “Yes, I like this idea. Their sniveling emotions will be their ruin. They would never shoot an arrow at someone who might possibly be an innocent. And while they’re willing to risk many lives in battle, one hostage will put them on their knees. Such a ridiculous notion, that one insignificant life could be so valuable.” His mouth widened in a sadistic smile. “And then Lena will come to me.”

“Yes, Sire.” Abaddon’s breath eased in the wake of Vindrake’s approval. “Your plan is excellent. With your leadership and my skills, we cannot lose.”


Alora slept heavily, despite feeling awkward about the sleeping arrangements. Graely had finally consented to let them sleep beside each other, but only if he slept adjacent to them. And he declared himself to be a light sleeper. Kaevin had remarked to Alora, “Sounds familiar.” But nestled against Kaevin for warmth, exhaustion had overtaken her, and she was surprised when he wakened her at dawn.

“Good morning.” His breath was soft on her cheek. “It’s time to head to your cleft in the rock. Beth will be with you. And Wesley and Arista will be close by. We have the advantage of higher ground, and, thanks to you, we have an advantage in number of warriors. Hopefully, this will be over quickly.”

“How’s your head?”

“Good. And yours?”

“It’s good, but I was wondering.” She chewed her lip. “Should I bring Raelene over so she can help me?”

“You don’t think it will utilize too much energy?”

“If I do it now, you could kiss me before you go to your station.”

“We’ll have to face her sooner or later.” He chuckled. “This way, I get to go fight a battle as soon as she gets here. You can do all the explaining.”

“Fine.” She laughed. “But you have to explain it to my uncle when we go back.”

“Ugh! I might hope I’m killed during the battle instead. If you’re going to do it, get it over with.” He reached to take her hand.

“Here it goes.” Alora was pleased she performed the transport almost automatically. Before her stood her grandmother.

And Uncle Charles.


Wesley and Arista practiced with the compound bows from the first light of dawn, until Arista felt confident with the powerful bow and Wesley felt comfortable with the wooden arrows. From their vantage point and with their extended range, he felt certain they would play a key role in controlling the road access. He couldn’t help being impressed with her skill and determination. She wasn’t like any of the girls he’d known at home.

Frustrated with the wind blowing her hair, she’d finally tied her tangled blond tresses behind her with a short piece of rope. “I’ll never be able to get the tangles out. We may have to cut it off.”

“I hope you don’t. I like your hair long.” He wondered if his expression showed the horror he felt at her offhand remark.

“Well, I hate it, and I wouldn’t have to keep it this long if I were a guy. It’s just a nuisance.”

“I think it’s really pretty.”

“You do? Then why do you keep yours so short?”

He felt the blood rush to his face. “It’s just the style back home. All the guys wear their hair short like this.”

She continued to examine the compound bow in her hands. “That’s interesting.”

“So...” Wesley said, as he fidgeted with his bow. “Do you have like a... uhmm... like a boyfriend?”

Arista frowned. “What does that mean? Are you asking if any of my other friends are boys?”

“No, uhmm... I mean, uhmm... are you dating anyone?”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy