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“Maybe we should kiss each morning to prepare for the day’s work.”

Alora stifled a giggle. This whole kissing thing was still really embarrassing, especially when they had an audience.

Graely’s voice made her jump. “I think perhaps we need to have a discussion.”

Alora pushed to a sitting position, glad to find her strength returning. She tried to pull her hand away, but Kaevin held it fast.

“When we return to Laegenshire, we’ll attempt to ascertain whether this bond can be safely removed.” Graely’s gaze was focused somewhere between them.

“Why don’t you want me to be soulmates with Kaevin?” She forced the question through her tight throat.

“I have nothing against you, Alora. You’re both simply too young for this type of bond. It is quite dangerous.”

“I don’t wish to remove it.” Kaevin squeezed her hand as he spoke.

“All right, we will discuss the bond at another time. But don’t think we will allow this to continue without attempting to protect you.” Graely rubbed his forehead. “How much of this kissing is necessary to be ready for the attack? Or will you need to be standing near one another?”

“I was hoping you’d know the answer to that question. We’re still trying to figure it all out.” Alora’s spirit sagged in disappointment. Aren’t parents supposed to have all the answers?

“I don’t believe we have to be close,” said Kaevin. “I’ve been thinking, she could wait someplace safe, someplace out of the way. And if she begins to feel any symptoms, the beginning of a headache, she could simply transport me.”

“What can I do to help out during the attack?” Alora asked.

“Honestly, I don’t know. Bearers always train one another on those things. It’s a shame Raelene isn’t here to advise you.”

“Yeah, that’s too bad.” She shared a guilty glance with Kaevin.

“To be quite honest, she probably wouldn’t recommend your participation in the battle since you lack experience. Mistakes could be disastrous.” Alora tried to hide her distress, but Graely leaned over to pat her arm. “But you’ve already done more than we’d dreamed possible. So I’m glad she wasn’t here to stop you.”

“I’m getting better, and I didn’t make any mistakes today.”

“So, y

ou truly brought Willow here on purpose, then?” Kaevin asked.

“Okay, I’ll admit that was a total surprise—I was just wishing.”

“In that case,” Kaevin murmured, “you should be very careful what you wish for.”


Abaddon was arguing with Vindrake, although he knew he was risking much by doing so. But he also knew he needed to prove himself indispensible. And to do that, he must have inspiration, knowledge, or ideas Vindrake judged to be invaluable. And for that to happen, he had to make Vindrake listen to him.

“Sire, I know you want to use the iron belts to protect the men, but it is highly unlikely the girl can move anyone except herself at this early point in her training.”

“Fool! I already told you she almost overcame my warding and transported me! Of course, she can move someone besides herself.”

“You misunderstand my statement.” He scrambled to correct his blunder. “I meant she could probably only transport people to herself. And of course she’s unlikely to bring an attacker to herself.”

“So what are you recommending?” His expression resembled that of one who’d bitten into a bitter fruit.

“The iron belts interfere with movement during fighting. Of course, Sire, I think you should be protected with iron. But for the other men, they would be unnecessary, and place them at a disadvantage against Graely’s warriors.”

“Your idea could have merit. I will consider it.” Vindrake turned to leave, still scowling.

“There is more to my proposal, Sire. Something that could help you accomplish your abduction quickly.”

“What now?”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy