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“I need to ask you about Henri.”

“Henri? Why do you—” Anne’s mouth fell open. “Oh—you’re that Michelle!” Now Anne remembered Katie’s story about the broken engagement between Michelle and Gherring.

“Steven tells me you’re dating Henri.”

“I don’t know if you can call it dating. I went out with him a few times while he was here, and I’ve talked to him on FaceTime. But I’m here, and he’s in Paris. And you’ve probably noticed, I have a job. So I can’t just drop everything and move to Paris.”

“But Henri likes you, doesn’t he? It’s not like him to actually pursue a woman. He must really like you.”

“Look, I don’t know the whole story.” Anne swallowed, choosing her words. “But I understand you used to date Henri, and you also dated Steven. I was also told you turned both of them down. Is that about right?”

“Yes. But I realize I made a mistake.”

“It’s none of my business. I try not to be a judging person, so you don’t need to explain your reasons to me, of all people. And if you and Steven have decided to marry after all, I think that’s good. He needs someone. I hate he’s alone.”

“But that’s not it at all! Just let me explain.” She looked behind her as if to be sure no one else was in the room. “I met Henri, and we were crazy about each other. But I knew he was a real player, so I didn’t really trust him. I broke it off.”

r /> She stood up and began to pace. “And I ran to Steven’s arms, sort of. We’d grown up together like a big brother and little sister—he’s ten years older. Neither of us had anyone else to marry, so we thought the perfect solution was to marry each other. Our families were thrilled, and we almost went through with it.”

She seemed to grow more upset as she shared her story, swiping at the tears rolling down her face. “But then I realized I still loved Henri. So we made up this story about me wanting children and Steven refusing, just to keep my parents and Gram from hounding us. And we called off the marriage.”

Anne nodded. “I can see you’d have to take desperate measures with Gram. She can be pretty tenacious.”

Michelle stopped to search through her purse for a tissue to wipe her face, collapsing into a chair next to Anne. “Six months later, I decided to go to Paris and give it a try. For a couple of weeks it was perfect. Henri was perfect. And he was rich enough I knew he didn’t love me for my money. I know that sounds snobby or stupid, but that kind of thing happens all the time. I’ve been burned so many times.”

She looked so miserable Anne put her hand on her arm to comfort her. “I’m sure it’s hard. That sounds terrible.”

She blinked away a few tears and continued. “One day I noticed Henri was always gone for an hour at the same time every afternoon. So, I know this sounds awful, but I followed him. And I saw him with two kids, a boy and a girl, and the boy looked just like him. I knew they were his kids, and I was just furious he hadn’t told me. We fought, and I wouldn’t let him explain. So I left. The press assumed I’d caught him in an affair, and so did the rest of the world, including Steven.”

Michelle took a deep quivery breath. “But the thing is, I found out later those weren’t Henri’s kids. Do you know about them?”

“They were his sister’s kids, right?”

Michelle nodded. “I said hateful things to him because I thought he’d lied to me.”

“He’s just an uncle who loves his family.”

Michelle’s expression was wretched, tears spilling from her eyes. “I know… You’re right. I was so blind and I wouldn’t even let him explain. And then, when I found out the truth, I was too proud to admit I was wrong. And I know I really hurt him.”

“Henri mentioned you. He told me you were with someone else.”

“I was. But he was a jerk. Just like always, he loved my money more than me.” She sniffed. “I could’ve had Henri, but I blew it.”

Anne agreed, but she kept her opinion to herself.

“What do you want from me?”

“I think Henri is the only man I ever really loved.”

Anne was thinking this woman didn’t even begin to understand the meaning of the word.

“I’m going to see him next week, during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. Gherring doesn’t know. I haven’t told him because he doesn’t like Henri, as you well know.”

“That’s mostly my fault.” Michelle picked at her ragged fingernails. “It really hurt Steven when I went back to Henri after we broke off the marriage, even though it was a mutual agreement. It hurt Steven’s pride for me to be with Henri. And I probably hurt him again last night by telling him about my feelings for Henri. Steven is so good to me. He only wants what’s best for me. I really wish I could love him the way I do Henri. I think I’ve waited too long now, anyway.”

Her heart hurt, not for Michelle, but for Mr. Gherring. He must still have feelings for her, and it must have killed him for her to profess love for Henri. As much as she hated the idea, if he loved Michelle, she would help them get back together.

“Maybe you should forget about Henri and try again with Mr. Gherring. It’s obvious he still cares for you.”

Tags: Tamie Dearen The Best Girls Billionaire Romance