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His eyebrows arched high and he smiled, his dimples announcing his pleasure. “It’s great. Just when I think I’m finally getting to know you, you surprise me again. I mean, every day it’s something new.” He shook his head, and then he forced his face into a stern expression. “But that doesn’t mean you’re out of trouble for scaring me to death. Oh… and you need to call Emily. I’ll call Gram.”

Anne rode home with Gherring in the limousine. She was so tired she didn’t argue with him about her mode of transportation. Relaxing in the back with the vibration of the car, she felt herself nodding off, even though the ride only lasted fifteen minutes. She woke with a jolt when the car stopped and found herself leaning against his shoulder.

“I moved over so you could lean on me. Your head was tilting at an awful angle.”

“Thank you.” She felt awkward and shy at his sweet and gentle manner. He didn’t seem to be teasing her. Maybe he’d learned his lesson.

“It’s the least I could do. After all, I’m the reason you’re so worn out. Let’s get you upstairs.”

Gherring supported her elbow as they walked in, even that small contact sending warmth into her bloodstream. When they walked into the lobby together, Rayna spotted them immediately.

“Thank goodness you found her. Is she okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

But Gherring had stopped cold.

“Steven,” said a soft female voice.

Anne turned to see the owner. She was blonde and beautiful. Anne knew immediately she was wealthy. By now, Anne recognized the look—soft, self-assured, impeccably dressed, sophisticated demeanor, a subtly powerful presence.

“I’ve been waiting for you. I hope you don’t mind.” She strode confidently to Steven and kissed his cheek, before her glance slid questioningly to where Gherring’s hand still supported Anne’s elbow. “Have you rescued some fair maiden?”

Gherring broke from his reverie. “Michelle, this is Anne, my…”

“His secretary. I’m his secretary.” Anne spoke in a flat, emotionless tone. She wrenched her elbow from his grip. “I think I can make it upstairs alone. Thank you, sir… for the ride home.”

Anne started for the elevator. She heard Michelle speaking in a low voice to Gherring. “Can we go up? It would be nice to have some privacy.”

“Do you have a hotel room?” His voice sounded gruff and a bit impatient.

“No, I was hoping…” Her voice trailed off and a sob escaped.

Escaping into the elevator, Anne turned around to face the lobby and let her eyes fall on Gherring. He was standing frozen in place, but Michelle had thrown her arms around him, crying inconsolably. For just a moment, his eyes locked with Anne’s. The doors closed, shutting off her view and vaulting her back to reality.

Fortunately, she was too tired to be disturbed by the appearance of this Michelle woman. Or she should’ve been. Instead, she lay awake until after two a.m., reliving their emotional moment, and slept restlessly, tearing her covers off the bed.

She dragged herself into the office the next morning and headed straight to the conference room, intent on finishing the Switzerland project. She’d been working undisturbed for almost an hour, when Gherring came to the door.

“Good morning, Anne.” His voice was hesitant. He looked like he thought she might start yelling at him. She hadn’t realized he must feel even more awkward than she did. It wasn’t his fault Anne had fretted all night about something that was none of her business.

“Morning.” She kept her tone bright. “I’m getting a lot done.”

He sighed. “I hate to do this to you, but Michelle would like to talk to you.”

“Why?” The word stuck in her throat. She had no desire to talk to his ex, whether or not they had renewed their relationship last night. “Why does she want to talk to me? I’m nobody.”

Gherring frowned. “Don’t say that—”

He stumbled to the side as Michelle pushed her way into the room. “Please! I must talk to you!”

Anne scrutinized Michelle—her quivering lips, her reddened nose, and her still-swollen eyes. Perhaps her night had been as bad as Anne’s. Her heart softened.

“Of course you can talk to me. I just don’t know why you’d want to.”

Michelle nodded at Gherring and he closed the door, leaving the two women alone. “Can I sit down?”


Tags: Tamie Dearen The Best Girls Billionaire Romance