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Hoping Gherring wouldn’t overhear her conversation, she took her phone and personal laptop and headed to the break room to talk to Henri. When Henri’s face appeared on the computer screen, he looked ecstatic to see her. “Mon bel ange—I have missed you.”

Every time she saw Henri, she could

n’t believe a man that handsome would be interested in her. “Wow, I love your new scruffy look. I think this is my favorite so far.”

“I am glad you like it.” He grinned at her. “I have been doing nothing but work, work, work. Anna-Laure had a birthday party yesterday. I bought her a pony.”

“A pony? You bought her a real pony? I wish you’d been my uncle when I was a little girl.”

“But I am very glad not to be your uncle. There would be no kissing, if you were my niece.” He chuckled. “And I will buy you as many ponies as you want. But perhaps you would prefer diamonds or sapphires…”

“You’re not buying me anything. This trip to Paris is too much already.”

“But the Paris trip is for me, so I can see you.”

“I’m excited about coming—less than two weeks.”

“What have you been doing? You were too busy for me yesterday?” He pouted a little.

“I was working with Mr. Gherring on a presentation all afternoon.”

“Gherring! He is always interfering between us.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose. He pays me to work, you know.”

“And I will forever be grateful that he hired you, because if not, you and I would never have met.”

“So maybe you could go easy on him. He’s usually pretty nice to me.”

“Maybe I do not like him being so nice to you. Maybe he is trying to steal you from me.”

“You’ve got to be kidding. Mr. Gherring would never be interested in me like that.”

“Maybe he would steal you so I cannot have you. It is in our history.”

“Let’s not waste our time talking about Mr. Gherring. I learned how to climb. On Tuesday night, I went climbing at the gym Katie’s fiancé owns. I climbed up to the top, twice.”

“I think I would have enjoyed that sight. You are not afraid of falling?”

“I was nervous, but it wasn’t really dangerous. Do you climb?”

“I do. Would you like to climb in Paris when you come?”

Anne grinned. “Maybe I’d just like to watch you climbing. You know… enjoy the scenery.”

“I have a heated swimming pool. We can both enjoy the scenery.” He grinned back at her.

“Anne!” called a voice behind her. “Mr. Gherring is coming!”

“Henri, I’ve got to go. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye.”


Anne closed the connection, just as Gherring came through the door.

“There you are. Why are you in here?”

“I was looking for a quiet place to work.”

Tags: Tamie Dearen The Best Girls Billionaire Romance