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I glance at myself in the mirror. I can’t see the midnight blue gown that I was wearing only moments ago. “I’m not wearing a color.”

“You are, and it’s flesh-toned. The most beautiful color I’ve ever seen.” Liam quickly turns me on my stool and scoops me into his arms. His mouth captures the schoolgirl squeal I want to let out as his tongue meets mine. My arms wrap around his neck as he carri

es us the few steps to our bed where he gently sets me down.

“Seems we have a problem, Mrs. Westbury.”

“What’s that Mr. Page?” I say Page purposefully, earning a deep grunt from him. He shakes his head slowly as he takes in every inch of my body.

“Is that what you want?”

Pulling my lower lip in, I nod almost hesitantly. It’s a dangerous game, playing with Liam Page, but sometimes it’s warranted. Sometimes it’s needed. I’ve had the best of both worlds where he’s concerned. At times I’ll have the slow, sensual love making from my husband, while at others I’m rewarded with the rough and powerful fucking from my rocker.

I want the rocker tonight.

Sitting up, I push him away from the bed. His eyes widen as I guide his hand into my hair. My nightgown bunches at my waist as I squat down, level with his erection.

“If you picked me up in a bar, what would you do?”

“Don’t Jojo,” he says, not because he doesn’t want to be with me, but because he fears I’m trying to be someone I’m not. He doesn’t like to be reminded of who he used to be and I can understand that, but sometimes I want to be that bad girl who goes home with the rocker from the club.

Tonight I’m going to be her.

“I want this,” I say as I take him deep into my mouth. I look up at him as my mouth starts to pull away. The grip he has on my hair tightens as I pull him in again. My hands are spread out on his legs. My nails are digging into his thighs. I look at him again, my eyes pleading for him to give me this little fantasy and he does.

Liam takes a tight hold of my head in both hands and moves me back and forth. I hold onto him for stability, fearing that I might fall forward if I’m not careful. Liam moans as his hips thrust into me. I take everything he gives me and watch as his face morphs into ecstasy.

In the blink of an eye, I’m on my back with my panties being torn away. “Yes,” I whisper heavily as Liam buries himself deep within me. My leg is thrown over his shoulder as he pounds rapidly. Our bodies are slick with sweat, our thrusts matching our every breath. He holds my face, his hand spread out over my cheek while his thumb hovers over my mouth. My tongue darts out, licking the pad of his thumb as his eyes roll back. My hands grip the comforter as he moves in and out, increasing our tempo. When he grazes my clit, I scream out, begging for more.

“God, Josie, I’m going to fucking blow.”

I want him to know I’m there with him, ready and waiting. I grab his ass and push him into me. He grunts, slamming harder until he stills, dropping my leg immediately. It aches, but I welcome the pain.

“Holy fuck,” he says as his lips move over my skin until he’s reached my lips. “We haven’t done that in a long time.”

My fingers run up and down his back as he lies on top of me. I don’t want him to move, but we need to clean up. He pulls out, moving just off to the side, leaving our legs intertwined.

“Thank you for letting me have my fantasy.”

He scoffs. “You know I’ll do anything for you, but there are times when I worry. I don’t want you to think I want that lifestyle back.”

“I don’t,” I say as I kiss his forehead.

“Good,” he sighs, “Because there’s something I need to tell you.”

There have been many times in my life when my mouth has gotten the best of me. Case in point: I just made love to my wife and the first ridiculous thing I have to say is that I need to tell her something. This, of course, is after I tell her that I don’t want my rocker lifestyle back, which isn’t exactly true. The booze, women and long nights isn’t something I crave, but the scene is. I miss being surrounded by the music, the artists and the vibe that Los Angeles has to offer. It’s not something I can explain, or even delve into. It’s an itch, a longing.

Resting on my hand, I brush the sweat-laden hair away from Josie’s face. Everyone changes over the years, except my wife. Realistically, I know she has, but in my eyes I still see the girl I fell in love with so many years ago. Her love for me has never wavered, even when I didn’t deserve it. That’s what I keep telling myself as I’m looking into her soulful blue eyes, preparing myself for the anger and hurt, but hoping for acceptance and encouragement.

“Let’s take a bath,” I tell her, losing the nerve I’ve been trying to build up. She doesn’t balk nor does she agree as I jump out of the bed and walk into the bathroom. I turn on the water, letting the loud vibration of the tub filling drown out my thoughts.

Josie’s fingers thread through the back of my hair. I’m in need of a cut, something I’ve been putting off because of our baby-making schedule. She comes to stand in front of me and images of taking her again run rampant through my mind. I kiss her softly and hold her face to mine. When I pull back, I see nothing but confusion and fear. Guiding her into the water, I maneuver my girl so she’s between my legs. My fingers dip into the water and I let them dangle above her as the warm water drips onto her skin.

Taking a deep breath, I ready myself. “When my grandmother introduced me to Harrison, he was the drummer of a house band for a bar called Metro. He took me there, and that’s where I got my start. It’s where my grandfather got his start too.”

I pause and remember the day I met Harrison at my grandmother’s party. He had a beanie on his head even back then. “Trixie, the owner, she was this spitfire of a woman. Agents flocked to her bar to sign the next big act.”

“Is that where you met Sam?”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance