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“I like Travis. Can we go see him?”

She holds her hands out for me to dry, all while her eyes plead with me. He invited us to hockey, but I didn’t exactly give him an answer. It would be nice to see Branch and maybe talk some business with him. We’ve been trying to land him as a client for a few years, especially after he signed his recent deal with the Renegades, far under his market value.

“I don’t know, Lucy. We’ll see, okay?”

She sighs but places her hand in mine. When we get back to our table, every sign of Elijah is gone. I tell Lucy to run and play as I reach in my pocket for my phone. I have one missed call and a text from him.

I will be reevaluating my stance.

“Fucker.” I slip my phone back into my pocket and return to my book. Only, the words are a blur, and I can’t concentrate. It’s a damn good thing he pulled this shit before he told her who he was. I can’t imagine what she’d think if she knew and then he bailed on her.



Shaun Singleton is the spitting image of his father, and for two people who haven’t spent a lot of time together, they sure act like each other. Seeing Branch interact with his son shows me another side of him. I’m used to the baseball player, the most feared designated hitter in the American League. He’s usually stone-faced and lacking emotion, unless he’s brought in the winning run in the bottom of the ninth.

Tonight, the Branch Singleton sitting in the suite is different. He’s relaxed, joyful. Dude looks happier than a pig in shit.

I feel bad for Ainsley Bailey, though. I had thought Saylor would want to come and had hoped she’d be around to hang out with Ainsley. Saylor is used to sports and understands them. Ainsley is somewhat new, even though she went to a lot of our games after the All-Star break. Instead, she’s watching the Bruins warm up while her husband prattles on with his teammates.

“Hey, Kidd, why don’t you go pick up some chick and bring her here so Ainsley has someone to talk to?” Cooper asks, patting me on the back.

I shake my head and sip on my water. “As much as I’d like to help you out, cleat-chasers are way too risky for me right now.”

He hangs his head in shame. “Sorry, man. I forgot.”

“It’s cool.” But seriously, how can you forget that shit? It’s the reason he’s even here right now and not living the life in Florida where it’s warm and the sun shines every day.

“I thought you were bringing someone,” Branch says, digging the knife that Cooper already stabbed me with even deeper.

“She couldn’t make it.”

I decide that talking about who I was going to bring isn’t the conversation for me right now and walk to the front of the suite, taking a seat next to Ainsley.

“Hey, Travis,” she says, giving me a hug.

“How are my niece and nephew?” After Cooper made me go to Lamaze class with him, I took an interest in the twins. They’re cute as hell, but Uncle Travis isn’t taking on any duties until they’re fully potty trained and the projectile vomiting has stopped. I swear that Cal was born from the exorcist or something equally evil. Janie, on the other hand, loves me and makes eyes at me whenever I see her.

“They’re good. They’re with Wes tonight.”

“Yeah, why is that?” I ask. “They’re super-tiny humans, and he doesn’t strike me as the type to babysit.”

She shrugs and looks behind her, I’m assuming for Cooper. “Um…he and Coop have spent a lot of time together, and he asked. I mean, it’s only for a few hours, and they’ll probably sleep through most of it, and…well, maybe I should leave and go get them, right?” Ainsley starts to stand, but my hand comes down on her arm, keeping her in her seat.

“It was only a question. I’m sure Wilson is capable of being a great babysitter. Besides, I’m sure you need a few hours without them.”

“I do. I really do,” she says, nodding. I think I probably scared the shit out of her, but that wasn’t my intention. I just find it odd that Wilson, of all guys, would want to babysit.

General manager Ryan Stone and his wife, country music superstar Hadley Carter, walk into the suite. A few people who can see inside notice her right off and start chanting her name. As much as I don’t want to, I stand and go over to greet him. The last time I saw him, I was storming out of the conference room in a heated fit.

“Mr. Stone,” I say to a man who is younger than me. We shake hands, and he reintroduces his wife. She and Ainsley had babies on the same day. “How’s your boy?” I ask, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Stone is a lucky bastard being married to one of the hottest chicks around.

“He’s really good. Thanks for asking.” Hadley sees Ainsley and waves before kissing Ryan and leaving the suite with a few security guards. The second Ryan focuses his attention elsewhere, I turn to Cooper.

“I didn’t know Stone was going to be here,” I say to Cooper, who nods.

“Hadley is singing the national anthem tonight, so Branch invited them to hang out with us.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Boys of Summer Romance