Page 128 of Jordyn's Army

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“That’s because you’ve never seen this side of me.” I wink.

Together, we walk down a dirt footpath. The trees tower over our heads as the sounds of the falls filter to our ears. The sun is still shining brightly above. The heat of the day, combined with the humidity, is bordering on being too much. There’s a place we can sit with plenty of shade. Plus, it’s a little cooler by the water.

There are a couple of fallen trees we have to climb over and some low branches to duck under, but eventually, we break through to a grassy area near the river.

Glancing around, I note the people walking on an elevated wooden bridge above. They’re most likely tourists who stop to visit our little town. Down here, Blair and I are alone.

I tug her off to the side so no one above can see us and where the sun can’t cast its rays on us. After placing the basket down, I open it and pull out a soft, cotton throw I pulled off the back of my couch. It's thin enough that we won't sweat sitting on it but protects us from the pointy blades of the grass.

Blair takes a seat beside me as I reach in and pull the items from the basket. There are sandwiches, cut fruit, brie, and a bottle of sparkling cider along with two glasses. Blair has to take medicine for her anxiety sometimes, and I don't want alcohol to mix with it. No, I don't know when she takes it. She told me it’s on an as needed basis at this point, since she’s doing much better. However, I’d rather err on the side of caution.

We sit and talk as we eat. It’s comfortable with no forced conversation. Knowing Blair as long as I have, we can easily speak about nothing much and have fun doing it.

I start to pack up our dinner as Blair fans herself with her hand. It’s getting too hot out here. It was fine for a bit. Now I’m sweating. Noise from the trail draws my attention. I turn, and there are Parker and Tori smiling at each other as they emerge into the clearing.

There was a time in my life when I was jealous of the bond they shared. I wanted that. I wanted to love and be loved so badly. Now I might have that chance with Blair. There’s no jealousy left. All I see and have seen for some time when I look at Parker and Tori are two people madly in love, no matter how many years go by.

Parker turns, and his eyes land on me. "Bradley, what are you doing here? Got some hot date?" Blair stands from behind me, revealing herself to Parker. "B?" Parker's eyes move from her to me and back again. “Are you two on a date?” He looks like a deer caught in headlights.

Blair briefly touches my shoulder before walking over to Parker and Tori. Parker is stunned looking at Blair, while Tori is smiling wide.

“Parker,” Blair says softly.

“Are you dating?”

“This is our first date, yes.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks in the most dejected tone I’ve ever heard.

“I would have had you given me time. This is new. Only happened this afternoon.”

I keep glancing up as I pack everything away and fold the blanket to return it to the basket. From what I can tell, Parker isn't angry. Not that I thought he necessarily would be, but who knows? Back in the day, he wanted to rip my throat out because I went on one date with Tori when they weren't even together.

I walk in their direction as they stop talking and turn toward me. Blair smiles, and damn, it does something inside me.

“Okay?” I ask. Blair nods.

“I wish I would have known,” Parker says sulkily.

Tori smacks him lightly on the chest. “Would you stop? Blair doesn’t have to tell you everything that goes on in her life." Parker cocks an eyebrow. "Okay, she doesn't have to, but she usually does. You didn't even give her a chance to get through the date."

“Fair point,” he mutters then turns to me. His gaze becomes hard and serious. “If you hurt her—”

“I know. I know," I reply. "But I would never do that. She's everything to me, Parker." Something in my eyes must let him know I'm telling the truth. He nods then turns to Tori, who gives him a quick kiss.

Blair slips her hand into mine, and I smile at her. We say our goodbyes to them and make our way back to my SUV. Inside, with the basket in the back seat, I crank the air-conditioning. The cool air feels good against my skin.

Blair rests her head back on the seat and smiles over at me. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I know it wasn’t much, but I thought you’d like it more than going out somewhere.”

She reaches up to run her finger along my cheek, down to my jaw. “I did. You know me so well, Finn. There’s no awkwardness with us.”

“There isn’t.”

She bites her lower lip then releases it. “So, are we dating?”

“I’d prefer it if we were exclusive.” I lean in so I’m only a breath away. “I don’t want anyone else. Only you, Blair.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance