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Holly returned Luisa’s smile. She couldn’t help but like the younger woman. Beneath her dark beauty shone kindness and what Holly sensed was true caring for Jack and his son.

"Do you have children, Luisa?"

"No. Carlos and I have tried for years, but it hasn’t happened for us yet. I have Sam. Carlos and I love him like he’s our own. And we have lots of nieces and nephews who we dote on. Most of Carlos’s family is still in Mexico, but I have seven brothers, and they all have kids." Luisa’s black eyes filmed over—only a bit, but Holly noticed.

And she understood.

She reached across the table and patted Luisa’s hand. "It may happen yet, Luisa. You’re young."

"Yes, I am only twenty-seven. I pray every night for a baby of my own. Until it happens, I take care of Sam for Jack."

"How long have you been taking care of Sam?"

"Since he came." Luisa’s eyes crinkled as she smiled. "Carlos and I have been on the ranch since we got married. I was only nineteen at the time. Carlos didn’t speak much English, so I came with him to speak to Jack about working here on the ranch. My mother works for his mother and she sent us over here."

"Does his mother live nearby?"

"Si, on a neighboring ranch. His father passed away last year."

"I’m sorry."

"He was very ill with cancer. It was for the best."

The C-word. Chills crept up Holly’s spine. Would she ever be able to say it out loud? There was so much she didn’t know about Jack, and so much she wanted to learn, but wouldn’t be able to.

"Sam’s all tucked in." Jack’s voice boomed as he entered the kitchen.

"I’ll get home, then," Luisa said, rising. "It was great talking to you, Holly."

"You too," Holly said and meant it. "I’m looking forward to our cooking lesson on Sunday."

"I thought you said you could cook," Jack said to Holly, his gorgeous full lips curved into that lazy half smile she adored.

"I can. American, French, a little Japanese even, but not Mexican. I want to learn."

"Luisa’s the best, then. I’ll stay out of your way on Sunday."

They laughed as Luisa left.

"I took your bag upstairs for you," Jack said, pulling Holly to her feet.

"I suppose you have a guest room?"

"I do. But I was hoping you’d stay with me."

Her tummy fluttered. "You know I’d love to, but Sam...."

"I’m a grown man, sugar. Sam doesn’t have any say about who I sleep with."

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I could put you up in the guestroom, but I’d be sneakin’ in there with you. And if Sam woke up in the middle of the night lookin’ for me and I wasn’t there, that’d sure be more traumatic for him then finding a hot woman in my bed."

Holly couldn’t help but laugh. Why was he so damned wonderful?

"What do you want to do tonight? We can watch a movie. I have a great DVD collection."

"How about a walk? I’d love to see more of your ranch."

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic