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"I do like the sound of that, sugar, but I sent Luisa home. I can’t leave Sam."

"Oh." The warmth of embarrassment coated Holly’s cheeks. "I’m sorry. I’m not used to being around kids. I don’t know what I was thinking."

"It’s okay. I hope you’ll get used to Sam, though. I want you to get to know him. He’s a wonderful kid."

"I know that already." She cupped his cheek tenderly, let her fingers scrape over the rugged stubble of his night beard. "And he has a great dad."

Was that a blush on his neck and cheeks? He was so handsome and his humility made him more adorable. "I promise you a great tour of the place tomorrow, with Sam and me as guides." He covered her hand, still on his cheek, with his own. Its warmth radiated through Holly’s skin all the way to her core. "Tonight, though, I can give you a bird’s eye view of the big dipper from my deck, if you’d like. You can see stars out here that you just can’t see in the city, sugar. It’s amazing."

"I’d love that." She leaned upward and brushed her lips gently over his.

He deepened the kiss, but only for a moment. "We can make love under the stars, Holly." His low voice hummed against her lips.

"How is it that you do this, Jack?"

"Do what?"

"Make me want you so much? It’s like I’m not myself anymore. I can’t see, I can’t hear, I can’t even breathe."

His lips moved against hers in a smile and he nipped her chin. "I’m so glad this isn’t all one-sided. You’re so beautiful. I can’t get enough of looking at you. And right now, I want to look at you under the Big Dipper."

Chapter Nine

Jack’s redwood deck wrapped around the back and both sides of the ranch house. They sat together on an old-fashioned porch swing holding hands, not saying much, until the sun set and the stars shone in the black night sky. Holly’s breath caught at the beauty of it all. Jack had been right. The country sky held secrets she’d never seen. The Big Dipper was vibrant in its luminescence and lesser stars she hadn’t known existed twinkled all around it.

Once she’d breathed in her fill of the night sky’s radiance, Jack undressed her slowly, kissing each new inch of skin as he exposed it. When they were both naked, he grabbed the blanket hanging over the back of the porch swing, took her hand, and led her to a secluded spot on the soft grass.

The sounds of the evening shrouded them—crickets chirping, a delicate breeze rustling through the aspen grove that surrounded Jack’s house, and the soft groans rumbling from Jack into her as he made love to her slowly, sweetly, and gently underneath the stars.

Later he led her to his bedroom and made love to her again.

* * * *

"It’s easy, Holly, you just stand on the near side and get on."

"Near side?" Holly eyed Sam’s eager face, and then turned to the creamy white animal that was already saddled. "You mean the one I’m nearest to?"

"He means the left side, sugar," Jack said. "You need to speak in non-cowboy language for Holly, Sam."

"Sorry, Daddy. But I can’t believe she never rode a horse before!"

"She lives in the city, pal. Not everyone lives on a ranch like we do."

"Well, everyone should."

Jack laughed. "Can’t argue with you there." Then to Holly, "Just put your left foot in the stirrup, and hold onto the withers."

"Jack—" Holly rolled her eyes. "What the hell is a wither?"

"Non-cowboy lingo, Daddy," Sam reminded him.

Jack’s lazy smile lit up his face. "It isn’t that easy, is it pal? The withers, sugar, with an ‘s’. It’s the highest part of the back at the base of the neck." He patted the horse’s withers, or so Holly assumed. "Ladybelle here is gentle, and she’ll take good care of you."

"I hope so. I have to say, I’m a bit nervous."

"The horse’ll sense your fear, Holly," Sam said, "right, Daddy?"

"Sam’s right, sugar. You need to take control."

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic