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"You don’t cook?"

"I love to cook. But what’s the point of cooking for one? Frozen ent

rees are cheap and easy."

"When’s the last time you cooked?"

"Heavens, I don’t know."

"Do you have any specialties?"

"Well, yeah, actually." Her cheeks warmed. "I told you my mom’s French. I make a mean Boeuf Bourguignon."

"Sounds delicious. What is it?"

"It’s beef stewed in red wine and it’s divine. In fact—" An idea came to her. "—why don’t you give Luisa the night off tomorrow, and I’ll make it for you and Sam? You’ll love it, I promise. I’ll have to start it in the morning. It cooks for several hours and the whole house will smell great."

"What do you need? I’ll have Luisa go to the market."

"A nice lean cut of beef, about two pounds. And a dry red wine. Some pearl onions and mushrooms. Thyme and bay leaves. Especially the thyme. That should do it. Oh, and flour, unless you already have that. It’s a staple in most kitchens."

"Now, sugar, flour I have. I make a mean flapjack myself."

"Okay then." She shot him a grin. "I’ll expect your flapjacks for breakfast and I’ll make you a great dinner."

"Sounds like a deal." Jack sipped his glass of Chardonnay. Holly, who normally only drank red wine, had to admit the oaky white worked well with the spicy Mexican fare.

Luisa whisked into the kitchen. "Sam’s ready to say goodnight."

"I’ll be right up," Jack said, rising. "Excuse me for a few minutes, Holly."

"No problem. Take all the time you need." She turned to Luisa. "Thank you so much for the delicious dinner. I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed a meal more."

"You’re most welcome, senorita."

"Please, call me Holly. I’d love to get your recipes if you don’t mind."

Luisa laughed and Holly was again stunned by her fresh beauty. "I never write them down, but I can show you. Tomorrow?"

"I told Jack I’d cook for Sam and him tomorrow. Maybe the next day?"

"Si, Carlos likes a good Mexican feast on Sundays. I’ll be happy to show you then." She sat down in the chair Jack had vacated. "Tell me, Holly, how long have you known Jack?"

"Not long. Why?"

"Because he hasn’t brought a lady home for a while. I don’t keep track, but it’s been more than a year, close to two at this point."

"Oh?" Holly’s heart jumped as a sizzle of happiness raced along her nerve endings.

"He was very excited to have you come. He kept me busy all day making sure the house was clean and neat for you. I’ve never seen him like that."

"You didn’t need to go to any trouble for me."

"I’m glad to do it. Carlos and I, we want Jack to be happy. He’s a good man."

"Luisa, Jack and I...." Holly hedged. "We haven’t been together very long. It’s too soon for any type of real commitment between us."

Luisa smiled. "I understand. It’s just good to see him interested in someone."

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic