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Holly couldn’t help but smile. Jack loved his son. He was a doting daddy, as he should be. If only....

He pulled his red pick-up to a stop in front of a sprawling ranch house.

"Wow," Holly said under her breath.

"It looks bigger from the outside," Jack said. "It’s actually pretty cozy."

Warmth crept to her cheeks. "I didn’t think you heard that. It looks gorgeous to me."

"I hope you like it." He exited the truck and in seconds opened the passenger door for her. All that and a gentleman, too.

Oh, this would be difficult.

He grabbed her overnight bag out of the back and led her up the driveway and into the house.

"Daddy!" A small boy ran into Jack’s arms.

"Hey, buddy." Jack pulled the child into a bear hug and kissed the top of his head. "I want you to meet Miss Holly. She’s the friend I told you about."

The boy turned to Holly and she melted. He was Jack in miniature, only his ebony eyelashes were even longer than his father’s, if that were possible. He had the same dark eyes and sable hair, and an adorable elfin face that promised handsomeness in the future.

"Welcome to Rancho Notso Grande, Miss Holly." He held out his little hand and again, Holly melted into a puddle. What a cutie.

"I’m so pleased to meet you, Sam," she said, taking his small hand in hers, "and you can call me Holly. I hear you named your dad’s ranch."

"Yup. Sure did."

"It’s a fine name." She smiled and was overjoyed when he smiled back, showcasing a missing front tooth. Adorable.

"Did you already eat, Sam?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. I ate with Luisa and Carlos. Sorry Daddy, I was hungry."

"That’s okay. But Miss Holly and I are starved, so we’re gonna go to the kitchen and eat our supper. Where’s Luisa?"

"She’s in the kitchen."

"Okay. You run along and play for a little while. It’ll be bedtime soon."


"What a good natured little thing," Holly said to Jack, as he led her to the kitchen.

"Yeah, he’s a good kid."

As Holly had originally feared, Luisa was indeed a Latin beauty with black hair and eyes, red lips, a sumptuous figure. She stood at the sink rinsing dishes.

Husband, Holly reminded herself. She’s no threat.

Not that it mattered anyway.

Jack made the necessary introductions and a few minutes later Sam ran in. Luisa caught him in a hug. "Come on, mijo, let’s get you ready for your bath." She excused herself and left the kitchen with Sam.

She’d left them a Mexican feast—cheese enchiladas, refritos and carnitas, which Holly had never eaten before. It was stewed pork served with guacamole, sour cream and pico de gallo. It was delicious and very spicy.

Her nose was running after the first few bites. Jack laughed and handed her a box of tissues from the counter. "Sorry, sugar. Luisa only knows how to cook hot, hotter, and hottest."

"No problem," Holly said and meant it. "I love spicy food, really. This is just a little spicier than I’m used to. But it’s wonderful, and it’s homemade. I don’t get to eat homemade food very often."

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic