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"Maybe a little." Her breath came in a puff.

"God, you’ve gotta know." He turned her and bent her over her desk. Her stapler bit into her midsection, but she didn’t care. She heard the zing of his zipper, then the rip of a condom packet.

"You ready for me?" His low voice was music to her ears.

"Yes. Please."

He thrust into her in one smooth stroke. He’d barely plunged in the second time when her walls clenched, sending icy spasms from her womb to every cell in her body.

"Jack, yes!" Ripples pulsed through her.

"Yeah, sugar, come for me. Just like that." He thrust into her again, then once more, burying his cock in her as he cried out his own release.

The weight of his body pushed her farther onto the stapler and the hardness of her wooden desk. He pressed wet kisses to her neck, making her shudder as her orgasm continued to roll through her. She panted against her day planner and beads of sweat trickled across her cheeks and dropped onto the open book.

"Holly, I wish..." His voice trailed off, and he rose, leaving her feeling an acute loss when his body heat and weight left her. With a tender touch, he replaced her skirt and panties.

She unbent her body, turned, and faced him. "You wish what?"

"Nothing." He smiled and disposed of the condom in her wastebasket, then pulled his pants around his luscious narrow hips, zipped them and buckled his belt. "Come on. It’s a forty-five minute drive to my place from here. Luisa’s keeping dinner for us."

"Luisa?" Holly pictured a sultry Hispanic woman as she smoothed her underwear and skirt.

"She keeps house for me and watches Sam while I work," Jack said. Her husband is my hired hand around the ranch."

Husband. Whew. Holly relaxed a little.

"Do they live on your ranch?"

"Yeah. There’s a small house adjacent to the main house. They live there."

"That’s handy."

"Works for all of us. At least it will till they decide to have their own family. Then I’ll need to find different help."

"Oh." Everywhere around her, it seemed children and family were the focus. Always a reminder of why this relationship with Jack wouldn’t work long term.

But why think of that now? She could enjoy the weekend with him and meet his son. She just wouldn’t get attached—to his son or to his home. She was already attached to him, and heartbreak was just around the corner.

She forced a smile. "Ready?"

His grin lit his raw male beauty. "You bet.

* * * *

Holly laughed as they rode through the gate to Jack’s ranch. The sign above it said Rancho Notso Grande.

"Nice name."

He chuckled. "Sam came up with it."

"Did he really?"

"Yeah. Luisa teaches him a little Spanish now and then. Her husband, Carlos, doesn’t speak much English and Jack wanted to talk to him. Last year he decided our little operation needed a name and that’s what he came up with."

"He sounds smart."

"I’m sure I’m a bit biased—" Jack winked at her, and her heart leaped. "—but I think he’s the most brilliant six-year-old on the planet."

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic