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Ruby said eyes can deceive, but I’d know if my father hadn’t died that day. I’d run to him, thrown myself over his body. His body had still been warm. The blood had been warm. It had covered my fingers.

Joe had tugged me away, made me leave the room. I’d kicked and screamed and cried in protest, but still he’d dragged me out. “For your own good,” he’d said.

The police had come, and we’d made arrangements for our father’s cremation. The last time any of us had seen the body was in Talon’s office that day. That horrible, hellish day.

Ruby hadn’t asked her question again, and no one else had spoken.

Which meant only one thing.

Talon and Ryan were most likely struggling with the same thoughts.

Perhaps even Bryce was, although he hadn’t been with us when our father died.


“No.” From Talon.

“Not twice.” From Ryan.

“He wouldn’t do that to us again,” I agreed.

Ruby nodded. “If you say so. I didn’t know the man.”

I had a hunch she had more to say, but she kept her mouth shut. Maybe later, when we were home.

Or maybe not.

He wouldn’t do that to us again.

Did I believe my own words?

Bryce hugged me to him, and though his strong arms gave me warmth and love, a niggling chill swept over me.

The chill wasn’t fear so much as it was foreboding.

Chapter Twenty-One


I brought my sweet Marjorie home to the guesthouse and ran a warm bath for her. “Take your time,” I said, “and holler if you need me.”

She smiled weakly. “I’ll be fine. I just need to get the grunge off me, and then I want to sleep in a nice warm bed.”

“I can handle that,” I said. “It’s nearing morning.”

She yawned. “I want to go see Mel and the baby.”

“We will. After you rest.”

“No,” she said adamantly. “I want to see them as soon as possible. In the morning.”

“It is morning, honey.”

Another yawn split her face. “I just need to wash my hair and clean up a little. Then rest for a few hours. Please, Bryce. I have to see my brother’s baby. And I want him to know I’m okay.”

I nodded. But was she okay? She’d been through a traumatic ordeal. Thank God no one had touched her inappropriately. I’d have been on a warpath. As it was, I still was on a warpath.

Talon and Ryan planned to go into the city around nine. We’d go as well. Marj could probably get a couple hours’ sleep at least.

Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic