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So I had relented. I hadn’t spent any solid alone time with Talon this week, and I was craving some.

As I was pulling into the ranch, I hoped I had made the right decision. I was determined not to pressure him for information, but if he would just talk to me, I could go back to Wendy Madigan and find out what was truly going on.

Talon and Roger greeted me at the door. I gave Talon a kiss on the lips and Roger a scratch behind the ears.

“It smells great.” I inhaled thyme and garlic. “Kind of like a French bistro.”

“Felicia made us chateaubriand for two, with green beans and potato gratin.”

“Sounds great.”

He smiled. “And don’t tell Ryan, but we’re having real French wine. Château Lascombes, from a very good year.”

I let out a small giggle. “My lips are sealed.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I hope not. I plan to make good use of those lips later.”

My skin tightened around me, and my core throbbed. It had been so long since we’d spent more than just a few minutes together.

“Come on.” He led me into the kitchen. “I’ll pour you a glass of wine.”

I followed. “Are we eating in your room again?”

He shook his head. “No, that didn’t go so well the last time, and I didn’t want to jinx tonight. We’re going to eat out on the deck.”

The evening was beautiful. A soft breeze was blowing as we stepped out onto the deck. Talon—or Felicia, probably—had set a lovely little table for two, complete with cloth napkins and sterling silverware. Fine bone china graced the place settings.

“Wow, beautiful,” I said.

“This is my mother’s wedding china. It’s supposed to be worth a fortune, but I don’t know. We hardly ever use it, but I wanted tonight to be special.”

“Every night we’ve spent together is special.” I lifted my glass an

d took a sip.

“How’s the wine?”

I let the liquid flow over my tongue and down my throat, so soft. “Don’t tell Ryan, but it’s amazing.”

“That’s probably because this bottle is nearly as old as Ryan himself.” Talon laughed.

“A vintage Bordeaux. I’m not sure I’ve ever had anything like this.”

“Stick with me, blue eyes, and you’ll have the best of everything.” He pulled me toward him and held me.

He didn’t try to kiss me. We just stood in each other’s arms for a few timeless moments.

His warmth surrounded me. This was where I was meant to be. With this man. Beside him. His partner going through life. I knew that in the depths of my soul, and though I knew Talon loved me, I still wasn’t sure whether he felt exactly the same way. He had so much to work through before we could truly be together.

But tonight was tonight. I wasn’t going to spoil it by worrying about where our relationship might be going or what it might not become. Tonight I wanted to enjoy a beautiful dinner with the man I loved. And then I wanted him to take me to his room and fuck me senseless.

Talon urged me to sit down, and then he took my plate and his back into the kitchen. A few moments later, he came back out with two steaming plates full of glorious French food. He bade me to wait another minute, and he came out with two plates of salad and a gorgeous baguette with some European butter.

Talon poured himself a glass of wine, rather than the bourbon I knew he usually preferred. He held up his glass. “To us, blue eyes.”

I followed suit and clinked his glass. “To us.”

I took another sip of the soft and luxurious wine. Yes, I could get used to living like this.

Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic