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Beau ran out to us just as the guy hopped the gate. “What the fuck is going on?”

“That guy attacked Travis,” Leland shouted.

Beau looked me up and down. “Are you all right?”

I nodded. I was banged up from the struggle, but I’d be fine.

Dax ran out then. “Travis is fine,” Sam called. “His attacker is getting away. Beau took off after him.”

Dax followed Beau, leaping the fence as easily as my attacker had.

I wanted to beg them not to follow the guy. I didn’t want them putting themselves in danger for me. Thank God, a few moments later, they both returned unscathed.

“He got away?” Sam asked.

“Yes, goddammit.”

“I’ll go see if I can settle everybody down. Leland, come with me.” Leland looked like he’d much rather stay right where he was. I knew he was shaken up.

Dax was scowling at me, and I could practically feel the tension in his body. As soon as he got me alone, he was going to explode.

“What the fuck happened?” Beau asked.

I expected Dax to start badgering me about why I’d gone down to the shop without waking him, but he stayed silent. Somehow that was worse.

I explained about taking out the trash and the man seeming to come out of nowhere.

The whole time Dax watched me, making no visible reaction. By the time I stopped talking, my heart was racing as fast as it had when the man had tried to grab me, and butterflies were having a dance party in my stomach.

Dax glanced at Beau. “We’ll find him. He’s not going to get away with this. And you”—he turned to face me—“I’m getting you out of here right now.”

“What? I’ve got work to do, and—”

“What about needing protection are you failing to understand? Why the hell did you leave without waking me up?”

“Because there’s a lot to do and—”

“I appreciate your dedication,” Beau said. “But Dax is right. You need protection, and we need less liabilities.”

Everyone who worked there as well as the customers would be in danger if someone else came after me. Things could’ve ended much worse today, but being sent away still hurt. I liked working for Beau. I’d resisted working on cars all through my teens because that was what Beau did. Mechanics was his thing, and he was so damn good at it. I wanted something of my own. I’d been such an idiot. I loved helping figure out what was wrong with a car and even just doing the simplest things.

Beau must’ve seen how upset I was. “This is only until LePlatt isn’t a threat anymore. I’ve gotten used to having you around here, and I want you back.”

“Where am I supposed to go?”

“With me,” Dax said. He grabbed my arm and started walking. I stumbled, then managed to match his pace.

“Don’t we need to—”

“Beau will take care of everything.”

“Corbin’s already working on increasing security here. Don’t worry about us.”

I looked up at Dax. “Where are you taking me?”

“My house.”

“But then you’ll be a target.”

“That’s exactly what I want. I want them to come for me because I will make them regret it. I want to take them out so they can’t ever come after you again, and you can’t scare the hell out of me like that.”

“And you’re not scared at all, inviting men like them to come for you?”

Dax shook his head. “I’m confident in my abilities. I know what to expect in a fight, but knowing that you… That this asshole could have… That’s what I can’t handle.”

“But then I have to watch them go after you.”

“The hell you do. You will hide and stay where I tell you.”

“Maybe that’s not so easy for me.”

“Travis, I have to know you’re safe. Protecting you is my job.”

“Right. You can’t disappoint Remy.”

He turned to me, and I saw anger blazing in his eyes. “Do you actually think that’s why I’m doing this?”

I ran a hand over my hair and closed my eyes. “No… Yes… Fuck it. I don’t know.”

“Why did you leave this morning? You knew I didn’t want you to go anywhere without me.”

“You were sleeping, and for once you were so calm and relaxed. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“I told you Beau wouldn’t expect you to be there, not after the night you’d had.”

“I know, but I wasn’t sure if he’d be there, and they couldn’t run the shop without one of us. Besides, I was awake and restless.”

“I could’ve taken care of that.”

The husky tone in his voice made me shiver. “Yeah?”

“Don’t do that again. Don’t leave without telling me. I woke to the sound of gunfire and you not there.”

I stared at him. I saw the tension in his jaw. His hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly the tips of his fingers were white. He’d truly been scared.

“I didn’t think…” He’d said he cared for me, but I never thought my leaving would hurt him that badly. “I’m sorry. I won’t leave again without telling you. At least not until this is over.”

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance