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“I’m back in town, boys and girls!” Unlocking the door, I step into the apartment and spot my sis curled up on the sofa, alone. “Well, just girls, then. Miss me?”

“Cos!” She uncurls faster than the eye can blink and throws herself at me. “You made it.”

“Said so, didn’t I?”

She spins me around until we both flop on the sofa, breathless from laughter. “Well, you also said it depended on your job.”

“It did. But see, it worked out! I said I’d be here. Listen to your older sis when she says something.”

She lifts a finger. “Barely older.”

“Seven minutes are plenty of time to get wiser than you.”


I ruffle my twin’s hair, and she ducks away with a giggle. “So tell me. How are you?”

“Okay.” She avoids my gaze, and I sigh. She won’t tell me more if I push, I know her well. Same as I don’t talk to her about Steve.

My ex. Nasty piece of work. Out of my life for good now, at least.

“Just tell me what you need help with, and I’m set.”

She nods, and I let myself relax. At least I can do this for her, and the fact she trusts me enough to ask, to let me, unknots something inside me. I am the older, even by a few minutes, and I’ll take care of her, like I always have.

A strangled little sound from behind me makes me turn, scanning the living room. “What was that?”

“My cat.”

“You have a cat? Since when?”

“A kitten. Found her downstairs a few days ago. It’s cold. She was hungry.”

Aw. I’ve always loved cats but never got one, since I’m never home anyway. Wherever home is supposed to be. I’m sure one day I’ll end up a crazy cat-lady, but for now I content myself with wearing T-shirts with cats on them, as if promising myself that one day I’ll get the real deal.

Just like with love.

“Shall I order some of that weird Lebanese food you like?” Soph asks.

“Yes, please.” I beam at her. “And it’s not weird! It’s kibbe. Just raw minced meat with wheat and spices.”

She rolls her eyes at me and gets up to grab her phone. “Yeah. That.”

I throw a cushion at her. “It’s good. You should try it.”

“I’ll stick to the kebab, thank you very much.”

I watch the little shadow of the kitten skitter along the wall, disappearing into the bedroom, and my chest tightens with affection—and worry. When will my sis have time to take care of a kitten?

But hey, I’m here. I’ll take care of the kitty until my sis is on her feet again.

I flip through her fashion mags as she puts in the order and side-eye her when instead of sitting back down, she goes to stand by her bookshelves.

“Hey, did something else happen? What’s up?”

She winces. “Nothing, I swear. Nothing new. Don’t you start worrying any more than you already are about me, Cos.”

Tags: Jo Raven Wild Men Romance