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hest burned. “You’d look stupid in that damn magic pink coat of hers.”

“Well now, I’ve my own, don’t I? So you’ll work with an expert consultant, civilian, for a few days if needs must, and the woman who matters to both of us can fulfill that lifelong fantasy without guilt.”

He took her hands. “And I’ll enjoy hunting down a pair of murderous, greedy bastards with my clever cop. There’s a win for me.”

“What about all the planets and their satellites you’re scheduled to buy?”

“Word is they’ll still be there next week. If not? Well, look at the money you’ll have saved me.”

Eve squeezed his hands, hard. “She’ll blubber again.”

“I won’t. And there’s a win for you.”

“Okay.” She moved into him. “But I’m going to work the hell out of the ass she’s obsessed with before she leaves.” Turning, she looked back at her board. “And if we pin their asses, so much the better.”

“Tell her that,” he suggested. “Send her a memo, take the weight off altogether. You’ll both work clearer.”

“I guess we would. I’ll do that, then I’ve got to write a couple reports, update my board.”

“I believe I’ll renew acquaintance with a few sick bastards I know in the art world. And since you’ve no intention of finishing your cop beer as you’ll go for coffee, I’ll take it with me.”

She got the coffee, composed the memo.

From: Dallas, Lieutenant Eve

To: Peabody, Detective, Delia

Re: Official Leave

This confirms the leave previously discussed and approved. You are granted official leave of seventy-two hours, commencing Friday at sixteen hundred hours. I will work with my expert consultant, civilian, during that period on current investigations, and any other official business that may ensue during said period.

That’s it.

Between this time and the commencement of official leave, be prepared to work your ass off. If I hear any shit about my decision and directive, I will kick whatever is left of your ass.

And done, Eve thought, began outlining reports.

It took twenty minutes for Peabody’s response, during which time, Eve concluded, her partner had struggled with righteous objections, resolved herself, and blubbered.

From: Peabody, Detective Delia

To: Dallas, Lieutenant Eve

Re: Official Leave

Sir. I’m grateful to you for granting this leave, and to the expert consultant, civilian, for making said leave possible during the course of a challenging investigation. If circumstances require this leave to be rescinded, I am prepared to return to duty at any time during the seventy-two hours.

I am fully prepared to work my ass off until it’s as skinny as yours. (I wish.)

Thank you.

She had to smile, then rose to update her board.

She stood back, studying the new faces as Roarke came in.

“I had one faint glimmer,” he began.

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery