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Abby nodded. “I get that.” She leaned a little closer to Jess. “You and Rick, are you…?” She didn’t say the words but Jess knew what she was asking. Just as she heard Rick’s voice in her head, asking her to keep things quiet for now. Discreet. She’d already said enough today without adding to it.

“I’m just helping out a friend, Abs.”

“May I have a closer look at it?”

Abby held out her hand and Jess placed the necklace in Abby’s palm.

Abby examined the stones. “It’s real, I’m sure of it. And old. And it does look the same … though to be fair, who’s to say that the one Edith had was the only one?”

They looked at each other. Both knew that the chances of there being identical antique ruby necklaces in the same small town were slim at best.

Abby straightened her spine and handed the necklace back to Jess. “I’ll do some investigating, see what I can find out.”

“Thanks, Abby. I appreciate it.”

“No worries.” She smiled. “I’ve enjoyed looking more into family history. I’ll call you if and when I find out anything.”

“And you’ll keep it private? Rick hasn’t told anyone that he’s adopted.”

“Except you.”

Yes, except her. It was another indication of how close they’d become over the last several weeks. They were really starting to trust each other, and it was a feeling that took some getting used to. But it was a good feeling, too. Jess was starting to think that the reason her past attempts at romance had failed was because she hadn’t trusted anyone enough to let them see the real her.

“I know you said you two weren’t, you know,” Abby said significantly. “But you’re falling for him, aren’t you?”

Jess let caution be her guide. “You’re just caught up in newlywed glow,” she accused with a laugh. “And think that everyone should be as much in love as you are.”

Abby raised an eyebrow. “Funny. Rick said the same thing the day of the wedding. I think you both doth protest too much.”

Jess laughed. “On that note—I’d better get back. Thanks, Abby. And remember, secret.”

They walked to the front door and Jess got her coat, shrugging it on and buttoning it to the top. Abby took the scarf and looped it around Jess’s neck. “I’m pretty good at keeping secrets,” she said, and all levity was gone from her face. “Don’t worry.”

Rick’s truck was parked in Jess’s driveway when she arrived home. Her heart gave a leap at seeing him again, standing by her back door, and the searing kiss he treated her to made her knees go weak. She considered telling him about the afternoon’s developments, but he pulled her into his arms and the conversation with Abby was swept out of her head.

* * *

Dawn on Thanksgiving morning was a non-event, thanks to a heavy fog rolling into the harbor. Jess got up, took a hot shower, and then started on her contribution to the family dinner: Grandma Collins’s corn casserole and cranberry sauce.

By the time she’d put the berries on to boil and the casserole in the oven, a weak autumn sun was trying to burn away the fog. Rays filtered through the wispy clouds, and the air was so still that the boats that were docked at the wharf were perfectly reflected on the water.

This was one of the reasons she loved Jewell Cove. No matter what time of year, it was still the most beautiful place she’d ever known.

Thanksgiving was a big deal, and this year everyone was going to Sarah’s for dinner. Treasures was closed for the day, and tomorrow Jess would be run off her feet during the annual Black Friday sale. Granted, the shops in Jewell Cove had nothing on the bigger cities with their chain stores, but they all held holiday sales just the same.

She was pulling on her favorite cashmere sweater when a thought hit her. What was Rick doing for Thanksgiving? He had no family left in Jewell Cove. They’d been spending more and more time together, but Jess hadn’t brought up the holiday, not wanting to upset the happy balance they’d found. They had fun together and tended to steer away from topics that would bring them down.

Except she really should have made sure he had plans before now.

She picked up her cell, found his number, and hit the call button.

He answered on the second ring.

“Hey,” she said softly. “What are you up to?”

She heard a bit of a clatter in the background before he answered. “Just working on something. You?”

“I was wondering if you had any plans for today.”

Tags: Donna Alward Jewell Cove Romance